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Hearing his name he turned around to see emma. He smiled but he noticed that she seemed a little upset which caused him to frown.

"What wrong emma? You seemed upset."

She huffed before taking a seat on his bed.

"Tell me..why do you hate y/n?"

He didn't say anything, he stayed silent which caused emma to be more annoyed than she already is.

"Mikey! Come on tell-"
"I don't want you talking to y/n anymore."

She quickly whipped her head around to face him with widened eyes.

"Huh?! What do you mean?"

"Stay away from y/n."

"Mikey what? What is all this about?!"

He didn't answer her before getting up from his bed and leaving the room. Emma stayed silent. She was confused why Mikey wanted her away from you.

What is going on?


"Wait he wants you what?! Away from y/n? Why?"

Emma sighed 

"I don't know. He didn't tell me why he just told me to stay away from her."

Emma decided to tell hina about what happened since she didn't know what to do.

"Hina what do I do? He won't tell me why but I don't wanna stay away from y/n! She my friend."

Hinata sigh, she also didn't know what to do.

"There must be a reason why he acting like this."

Emma nodded. The bell rang which meant it was time to go home. They grabbed their things before heading out.

They both saw you outside and quickly ran to you.


At the sound of your name you turned around to be greeted by the two. 

"Wanna walk home together?" They both asked. You nodded and you all started walking.

But before you three could step foot outside the gates mikey, draken and takemichi pulled up.

"Emma! I told you to stay away from her!"

Upon hearing this you stopped dead in your tracks and turned to look at emma.

You could tell she looked angry.

"Why? You didn't even tell me why! Just because you don't like y/n doesn't mean I can't talk to her anymore!" 

He got off his motorcycle before grabbing both emma and hina wrist.

"You both should stay away from her. She is dangerous."


You stood there dumbfounded. He looked at you before speaking.

Stay away from my sister and friends.

Was the last thing he said before taking off with the rest.

What the hell just happened? What does he mean?


4 am.

It was 4 am and you were still wide awake.
You couldn't get any sleep and just kept thinking about what happened earlier that day.

Stay away from my sister and friends

Those words repeated in your head.

You sighed before getting up and putting on your shoes and hoodie.

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