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The sound of laughter could be heard as everyone cheered once again for toman victory. The loud engines of motor bikes and cheers of everyone could be heard in the abandoned parking lot as everyone cheered for the one and only, Manjiro Sano.

"We did it again!"

"Another gang defeated!"

"At this rate toman will be on top!" 

At that more cheers erupt and the motor bike engines roar loud into the night.

The blonde stood and watched as everyone was having a good time and cheered for toman victory. A chuckle caught his attention and he turned around to see his friend staring at him.

"Are you going to stand there all night or what?" You say as you put your arm around his shoulder.

"Toman won yet again. You should be celebrating with us!"

"I am celebrating"

"By standing there and staring us down like a creep?" He scoffs and playfully punches your side.

"I ain't no creep"

"Then quit standing here and come celebrate with us. Here" You hand him a drink and pull him where everyone else is at.

"Have some fun with us mikey"

He looks into your eyes and suddenly the scenery changes.



"Why why why!"

His eyes widen when he sees tears running down your cheeks. He looks at you and then at his hands that were bloody.

"What the-"

"Why mikey" He looks up at you again as blood oozes out of your back and when he looks down again he sees a knife in his hands.

A bloody knife 


"I trusted you mikey"

He looks at you in horror as blood comes out of your mouth.

"I trusted you yet you don't trust me? Why did you believe him!"

At this point mikey was shaking as he dropped the knife and walked towards you but he couldn't. It was like an invisible force was stopping him from getting any closer. 


"How could you believe so easily?"

"Y/n I'm sorry!"

"You never trusted me did you?"

"No! It's not that!"

"I hate you mikey"

He freezes at that and looks at you as you repeat those same words over and over again.

"I hate you mikey"

"I hate you mikey!"

"I hate you mikey!!"

"I hate you mikeyy!!!"

A gasp could be heard in the room as mikey quickly sits up and looks around the room in a panic. Body covered in sweat from the nightmare that he had just a few moments ago. He quickly looks down to his hands and sees nothing.

No blood

He took a deep breath before laying back down. He stares at the ceiling as he remembers the look of betrayal on your face from that horrible dream.

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