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"What the fuck"

"Are you serious?"

"That not fair!"

You were woken up by the loud voices in the room. You covered your ears with your pillow and frowned.

"Shhhhh! You guys are being loud!" The person next to you whispered, making everyone grumble.

You slowly open your eyes to be met with multiple eyes on you. You quickly sat up with an annoyed look on your face.

"What are you guys doing?" Rin raised a brow

"What are YOU doing?"

"Huh?" You said before noticing that you weren't in your room. You quickly looked next to you to see kazutora messy morning hair.

Right you sneak in his room last night

"Uhh forget it" you say before getting up with your pillow and making your way back to your room. You could feel the embarrassment crawl on you and you felt like jumping off a cliff.

You got ready for the day and left your room to join the others for breakfast. You could see kakucho face light up seeing you sit down and slowly eat the breakfast he made.

"So why were you in kazutora room?" Ran asked besides you.

"None of your business"

"Aw c'mon tell me~ did you have a nightmare? You know you can come to my room instead right?" You rolled your eyes and continued eating. Everyone talked to one another while you stayed silent.

Once you were done you got up and washed the dish you use before going back to your room. You once again locked yourself in your room.

You don't really come out of your room but only when you want to eat or important meetings about the gang.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed the dark circles under your eyes. You saw that you lost some weight and that you don't look like yourself anymore since a year ago.

Is that really me?

You say to yourself. You continue to stare at yourself which makes you frown.




Those words repeated in your head.

The same words mikey called you when he started distancing himself from you.

Stay away

You're dangerous



But you didn't kill anyone...right?

If you did kill someone then you would know. You would remember.

But you didn't

You looked away and leaned up on the chair. You stared up at the ceiling and closed your eyes.

You hear a knock at your door and you open one eye to see inupi walking in with a glass of water.

"You didn't drink anything so here" you took the glass from his hands and mumbled a small thank you.

You took a sip and could see that he was still in your room from the corner of your eye.

"Is there something wrong?" You ask. He shook his head before leaving.

You just shrugged it off and continued to drink the glass of water.


"Takemichi!" The blonde quickly turns around before being tackled to the ground by two people.

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