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"God damn my head is killing me" 

Everyone slowly started making their way into the living room one by one as some fell on the couch while others started making their way to the kitchen to grab something for Their headache.

"Hey where is the birthday girl?" Sanzu asks.

"I think she still sleeping"

"I don't blame her, we partied really hard last night"

"Curse you for making me take all those shots"

"It was your idea!"

"Yeah but it's your fault!"

"Can you guys stop bickering early in the morning?!" Everyone stopped on what they were doing to see you walk in the room. You rubbed your eyes while massaging your temple.

"You're up" inui says before handing you a cup of water. You smiled at him before taking the cup.

"Thank you inui" you said as you took a seat.

"Today we will have a busy schedule, we have a meeting with that one gang I was telling you guys about, so I suggest you all get ready for that"

"Which will be in 3 hours"

"Do you think this headache will be gone by then?" Whispers ran to Koko who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know but you better hope it does"


2 days have passed since chifuyu blurted out your secret that one night. And even after that no one has seen mikey for a bit. Emma and draken left for their honeymoon while the others tried to continue on with their everyday life. 


Mikey wasn't the same after what he found out that night. He stays locked up in his home while ignoring everyone calls and knocks on the door of his home.

He couldn't believe it. That you, his best friend, is alive and well while also being the leader of one of Japan's most feared criminal organizations.

He just couldn't believe it. God how could he be so stupid into believing a lie of someone he didn't even fucking know. 

He misses you, so damn much and the only thing he wants to do is to apologize to you about everything. For years he has been suffering with regret, guilt and his stupidity about what he did back in middle school.

He knows that this is all his fault. His fault that you faked your own death and left everyone behind because of him.

He felt shitty knowing that he was the cause of all his friends suffering after the news of your death that night.

As he was staring up at the ceiling, another knock was heard. 


It Was baji

"C'mon open up man! You're seriously not gonna stay in there forever?" He sighed and rolled over to face the wall. The knocking and shouts soon stopped which made him think that he left. But then he heard a loud bang from downstairs causing him to go wide-eyed and quickly sit up from his bed.

"What the-"

He was interrupted by baji slamming his bedroom door open.

"If you're not gonna answer then I'll do it myself!"

"Your fucking paying for that" Mikey pouts before looking behind baji and seeing chifuyu and takemichi. His eyes go dark seeing the two.

"Whoa don't go crazy now"

"What are they doing here?"

"They are worried about you mikey" 

"You haven't left your house in 2 days so everyone a little worried" 

"I'm fine so you guys can leave"

"Are you sure? I don't think I'll be fine after receiving the news of my supposed dead friend still being alive" Chifuyu says as mikey shoots him a glare.

"I wouldn't mind going for a round 2"

"Okay let's calm down now!" Takemichi frantically says while trying to avoid another fight.

"So what are you three here for?"

"Hang out"

"Hang out?"

"Yes now get your ass up and get ready so we can go now" 

"And if I don't want to?"

Baji smirks before turning around and walking out the door.

"Then I guess you won't hear more about y/n…and maybe possibly meeting her soon"

Mikey's eyes go wide as his breath hitch. He clears his throat before getting up.


"Great I'll meet you downstairs" 

All three make their way downstairs to give mikey privacy to change.

"Damn bastard"


They walked around the busy streets of Shibuya city while chatting about random stuff. Mikey hasn't felt this alive since his middle school days. Just seeing the nice bright colors of the huge TV displays and build boards made him feel nice.

It didn't take them long until they finally got to their destination. It was a fancy restaurant which confused mikey.

"So we're eating fancy today?" 


They make their way inside and Baji signals a waiter who soon leads them to the vip room.

"Thank you"

He says before the waiter left. They all took a seat while Mikey just stood there confused.

"So uh what are we doing here again?"

"Just sit down, he'll be here any minute now"

His brows furrowed and he was about to say something back but was cut off by the door opening. 

As soon as Mikey turned around his eyes widened upon seeing the person who walked in.


"Long time no see mikey"


A/n: Guess who back

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