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It was awkward to say the least. Silence filled the room as takemichi's eyes wandered around the room to see everyone sitting quietly while eating the food that was served.

Takeomi could sense the tension in the room by just looking at how your executive's would send a few glares at the blonde man.

With that, Takeomi takes it upon himself to break the silence in the room.

"So how are things in bonten?"

You could feel the eyes of everyone on you as he asked this question. You swallow your food before answering his question.

"It's doing good"

Your answer was simple. You didn't feel like talking at all and he could see that. Sanzu groans, tired of the boring silence and finally turns to his brother.

"Okay why are they here?" 

"Yeah, especially him" Mikey looks up to see izana glaring at him. 

You eat silently, letting your executives do the talking.

"I did say this dinner would be us catching up, right?" He smirked as he saw his brother and the rest grow irritated. 

"Yeah but we never would've thought about you bringing in him and his little friends" 

"It was my idea" Everyone stops and looks at baji who was staring up at the ceiling.

"I was the one who told Takeomi to arrange this whole dinner"


Baji turns to look at kazutora and chuckles.

"To see y/n of course" 

"And mikey over here wants to have a private chat with y/n" takemichi and chifuyu eyes widen while some pull out their guns from their pockets.

"No way in hell will I let this jerk get near her" 

"You are probably insane if you think we are gonna let her be alone with him" izana, rindou, kaz and sanzu held their guns in front of baji and mikey as you watched quietly.

"Well it was great catching up with you all but we're leaving" 

"Hold up" for the first time since the dinner has started, you spoke up causing everyone to stop what they were doing.

"What is it y/n?" Koko asks. You sigh before turning to look at Mikey for the first time in years.

"You guys can go, I'll have a talk with mikey" You say as you stare at your ex childhood best friend. 

"What? No way!"

"We won't leave you alone with him!" You turn to glare at them.

"Are you disobeying my orders?" You say as they all tensed up.


"Then go" with a huff, they leave but not before some of them shooting glares at Mikey.

Once they left, you turned to the remaining guys in the room.

"You guys too" baji and takeomi got up with no hesitation unlike fuyu and takemichi.

"good luck" Chifuyu whispers as he soon leaves the room. Now it was only you and mikey alone. 

"So why are you here?"

"To talk"

"I know that. But talk about what? There is nothing to talk about really" He stayed quiet.

"If you have nothing to say then I'll just leave-"

"No!" You froze at the loud sound of his voice and looked up to see a panic expression on his face.

"N-no..I-" You watched as he fumbled with his words, trying to find a quick way to explain everything.

"I know I messed up bad…and that what I did was horrible and what I said to you could not be forgiven but please! Please give me a second chance! That all I want"  

"Forgiveness?" He nods. You stayed quiet as you stared at the blonde.

The silence was enough to make him fear for the worst. He slowly looked up to see you stare at him in disbelief.

That made his heart dropped 

"You really think I'll forgive you that easily?" You scoffed and he stiffened.

"After everything you did…you really expect me to forgive you?"


"Shut it. I don't want to hear anymore of your lame excuses" and with that, you got up from your seat and walked towards the exit but not before looking at him one last time.

"I really did trust you, sano"

And you left

Mikey stood still as he processed your words. He slams his fists on the table as he lets out an angry scream.

The door opens and the rest come walking in. 

"What happened?"

"Y/n and the others just left"

"I really did mess up, huh?" Mikey dryly chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.

"Soo did she accept the apology?"

"What do you think chifuyu" Mikey angrily spats which makes chifuyu back up. 

"Jeez I was asking" the boy mumbles as mikey groans.

"I need to do something about this"

"Like what?"

"I need to show her that I'm actually sorry. I want her to know that I regret everything, all the things I've done and said to her"

"I want her back in my life. It's been hell without her for the past 7 years"

The boys watched in pity as mikey continued to spit out apology after apology. 

"Maybe we can also be of help" Takemichi speaks up as chifuyu and baji nod.

"We can"

"But how? She already hates my guts"

"She doesn't"


"Actually maybe she does" mikey groans as takemichi awkwardly rubs his arm.

"But I'm sure she will forgive you!"

"He right, you and y/n are childhood friends! I'm sure she'll forgive you….hopefully" The last part went unnoticed to mikey as everyone tried to cheer him up with false hope.

"Sorry to interrupt but, it might be a little hard to get near y/n again" they turned to see takeomi standing in the doorway.

"What do you mean?"

"Her executives" baji groans in annoyance at the mention of them.

"Shit he right" 

"They seem really over protective of her. Especially earlier when mikey wanted to talk to her in private"

"Then what should I do?"

"Just make sure not to talk to her with them around or do anything that seems suspicious in their eyes. Those boys are ruthless now and from seeing what they did earlier, they would definitely do their best to not have you around her"

"He right, we almost had our brains blown off"

"I was definitely not ready to see a human brain tonight"

Mikey is going to make it his mission to have you back after all these years. He already lost you once, now that he knows your alive and well he will not lose you again.

A/n:I am so sorry for not updating in like a month😓 writer's block and zero motivation got the best of me

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