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Waking up you groaned. You checked the time and saw that it was 6. You got up from bed before going downstairs to get a drink of water. It was still early in the morning and you decided to take a shower and get dressed for the day.

After showering you put on some clothes and grabbed your shoes and a jacket.

Grabbing your phone you made your way downstairs and outside. You took in the morning fresh air before deciding on taking a walk to the park.

You decided to put on some music on your way to the park. Music is one thing that helps and comfort you and it's also a way for you to escape reality.

While humming the tune of the song you notice an oddly familiar park. You slowly stopped walking to take a good look at it before something in your mind clicks.

The old park me and mikey use to go to

You thought to yourself. You notice that it is still in pretty good condition knowing that it's been some years since you last saw it.

It was a bittersweet memory before you put your earbuds in and continued walking.

Funny how everything changes


"So then emma decided to show her a piece of her mind and punch her!"

Hinata said while emma shyly looked away.

"She was so cool!"


You just chuckle before taking a sip of your drink. You both were on the rooftop eating since it was lunch break. You three were talking about different things before you saw that you received a text message. Grabbing your phone you look to see who it was.


You gulped before reading the message.

Toman meeting now

You were confused on why he texted you. I mean when he will hold meetings he would make the others text you or tell you. You sighed before getting up, causing both Hinata and Emma to look at you.

"Oh? Where are you going y/n?" Hina asked.

"Toman meeting." 

They both nodded in understanding before you grab your things and leave.

You didn't know why but you had a weird gut feeling that something was going to happen.


You finally arrived at the musashi shrine. You quickly ran up the stairs and noticed that the meeting hadn't started yet. You made your way to your place before standing there until the meeting started.

Something about toman and Valhalla fighting and baji being under Valhalla now. You were shocked when you heard that he even went as far as to injure Chifuyu. 

After mikey was done explaining he said something that shocked all of you.

Oh and one more thing. L/n y/n you're no longer in toman.

You stared at him in shock. You didn't know what to think or even say.

"Wait what?! What do you mean by that mikey?!" Draken yelled at him. He was confused, yeah mikey started hating you but why would he go so far as to make you leave? 

"I said what I said. Y/n no longer part of toman." 

You just stood there in shock. You weren't the only one in shock either. Almost everyone was in shock too. You and Mikey were inseparable! You two were always together and because of that this doesn't make sense.

"Meeting over!" He yelled before turning around and walking away. You quickly ran after him before turning him around and shaking his shoulder.

"What do you mean I'm no longer in toman!?"

He pushed you off him before walking away. You were beyond confused. You had all sorts of mixed emotions. Sad, anger, confusion. That's all you felt.

Why? What did I even do?!

You didn't know but you suddenly burst into silent tears. Toman was the only thing you had! It was something you loved dearly. Toman was family to you so now that you're no longer a part of that you feel..empty.

You didn't know you were full on sobbing when you felt multiple pairs of arms pull you into a big hug.

"Y/n..I'm sorry." One of them said. You didn't pay any attention because you were too busy crying. You pulled away from the hug before looking down on the floor.

"N-no it's fine…um thank you for the good times that we spent in toman." You said before rushing out of there. You ran all the way home. 

Shit why does it hurt so much?

You asked yourself before finally arriving at your front door step. You quickly open the door before running to your room.

You plop down on your bed before silently sobbing into your pillow.

"Not only did I lose someone dear to me I also lost toman…a family." 

You couldn't stop the tears from falling. Even after wiping away your tears they still kept on falling.

You notice that your phone was getting blown up by text messages. Probably from the others. You didn't pay any attention to it and just cried yourself to sleep.


A/n: I thought about putting in 3 more love interest because that how I am💀 so I'm editing the love interest.

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