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You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were covered in beautiful expensive jewelry while a nice black dress hugged your body just right. It took you hours to style your hair since you seem to have some trouble figuring out what style you wanted to go for.

But finally you were done. 

"Well that took years…" You said as you admire yourself in the mirror. A knock at the door grabbed your attention as you told the person to come in. 

The door opens and you see hanma.

"Done?" He said and you nodded. He looked at you up and down which made you frown.

"What? Do I look bad? Do I need to fix my makeup or-" before you can continue talking he cut you off with a laugh.

"No you look stunning, I just had to stop and admire how beautiful my boss looks today for her special day" He says while continuing to check you out. You rolled your eyes before turning around to face the mirror. 

"Everyone waiting in the lounge" 

You looked at yourself for one last time before grabbing your purse. 

"Okay let's go"

He follows right behind you as you both make your way downstairs to where the others were.


At baji apartment 


 Chaos, it was pure chaos once those words left takemichi lips. 

"You gotta be kidding me"


"Since when?!"

"How do you know?!"

Mitsuya and Yuzuha had to calm everyone down with the help of hina. Everyone took deep breaths and waited for takemichi to continue.

"Eh um well, y/n created bonten 7 years ago-"

"How do you know that?" Baji asks, arms crossed over his chest.

"Because it was also the same year tenjiku disbanded" said chifuyu while taking a sip of water.

"And also I may or may have not run into them a few years back" He sheepishly said.

"So y/n is the leader of a big criminal organization?" Emma asked.


"Pretty much"


"So basically we have zero chances of meeting her," Nahoya said, which made him frown. You and him along with souya were really close friends. 

"Well um if you're involved in criminal activities or Bonten then you might have a chance with meeting her-erm but it won't be good."

"Hey what about those haitani brothers" 

"Huh, what about them?" 

"Don't they own a club nearby?"

"Oh they do! Also in other cities too from what I've heard" yuzuha says, answering her brother's question.

"Haven't y/n and the others been spotted there a couple times?" 

"Well-um yes but it's rare sometimes to see y/n there but for the others you can see them there a couple times" Takemichi said while everyone seemed so deep in thought. Mikey got up and made his way towards the door which caught everyone's attention.

"Mikey where are you going?"

"I'll be going home now"

"Huh? But-" but before emma could finish her sentence he was gone. Everyone sat in silence before chifuyu spoke up.

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