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You've been ignoring everyone. It's been 3 days since you last talked to any of your friends. You did what mikey said, you stayed away from emma, hina and the rest of the gang.

You blocked their number and never opened the door for them. You also ignore emma, hinata and takemichi at school. When they try to talk to you you ignore them or walk the opposite direction.

Of course this hurted them and it also hurt you too but you did what mikey asked. You thought it was for the best.

But beside all that you never forgot what hanma told you that night.

Kazutora trying to stab baji?

It was only 3 days away from the fight with valhalla. Even though you weren't in the gang anymore you still worried for them. Valhalla had more members than toman and you were quite worried for them.

Should I go watch? But what if mikey gets pissed off?

You sighed before deciding to go to sleep.


You woke up by the sound of knocking coming from downstairs. You sighed knowing who it was.

Don't they know they aren't allowed to see me?

You covered your ears with your pillow but you could still hear the knocks and this time they got louder. You groaned before getting up and heading downstairs to the door.

You stood in front of it and hesitated if you should open it or not. Your thoughts were interrupted with another loud knock.

"Y/n? Open up!"

"We know you're in there!"

"Please y/n open up!"

You opened the door and saw that it was Mitsuya, draken and takemichi.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked with a slight annoyed tone.

"Y/n..we came to talk to you."


"Mikey! And the thing he said about you staying away from us."

You stood there not saying anything. You step aside for them to come in.

"Isn't it clear though? He said to not go near me or talk to me so why are you guys here."

"You're still a friend y/n..even if we don't know why he is acting like this, we are not going to stop from talking or being near you." Mitsuya said while holding both your hands.

You were debating if you should tell them about what hanma said. You were about to say something but were cut off by draken phone ringing.

"It's mikey… we have to go, sorry that we couldn't talk more." He apologized but you shook your head.

"It's fine..now go before he gets mad that you're late." They got up from the couch and left but not before saying goodbye.

Once they left you stop smiling. You couldn't do this anymore. You were tired and just wanted to rest. You haven't gotten much sleep lately and just figure that it was because of that.

"I'll go get some sleep…"

You said to yourself before heading upstairs and to your room.


Today was the day.

Valhalla vs. Toman

You were thinking if you should go. There were two reasons why you wanted to go.

First was because you wanted to make sure and also stop if kazutora does end up hurting baji.

The other reason was because you haven't seen the others for some time.

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