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You slowly opened your eyes and were met with the bright light of the room. Once you were finally used to the bright lit room you noticed that you were in the hospital.

You looked around and saw izana, hanma and the brothers sleeping on their chairs on the other side of the room.

Izana was the first one to wake up when he started hearing noises coming from your side of the room. When he saw that you were awake he quickly got up to his feet and ran to you while asking questions and if he should call the nurse.

This caused the others to slowly wake up from their sleep to be met with you trying to calm down a distressed izana.

"Izana I'm fine! Calm down." 

"Fuck how am I going to calm down when your were literally shot!"

"I'm fine,see! I'm still breathing and alive, so calm down." He sighed before grabbing a chair and pulling it closer to your bed and sitting down.

You were about to lie back down before remembering about kakucho.

"Wait! What about kakucho? I-is he okay?! Is he alive-"

"Kakucho is fine. We visited him and he's doing well."

You let out a sigh of relief hearing this. Glad that nothing serious happened to kakucho and that he was doing well.

It was silent for a moment. But that silence didn't last long when you started speaking.

"Fuck that shit fucking hurts."

You said out of nowhere remembering about the pain when the bullets hit you. Rin scoff before walking towards you.

"Of course it will hurt. You got shot 3 fucking times!"

"That is honestly surprising not gonna lie. 3 times and I'm still not dead?"

This made them frown at your words. But before they could ask about what you meant a light knock interrupted them.

"Oh! You're awake." The nurse said before she started checking up on you and making sure that you were all good. Once the nurse told you when you were able to leave she exited the room leaving you alone with the others again.

"What happened to kisaki?" You asked once the nurse left.

Hanma froze up from your words. He awkwardly chuckled before looking out the window.

"Um kisaki…he's dead."

You quickly turned your head to look at his direction with wide eyes and jaw dropping.

Kisaki? Dead?!

"How?...what happened..?"

"When you were shot I was going to take you to the hospital but ran stop me and took you from me…then I saw kisaki run away with takemichi behind him along with draken."

"And then?"

"I was fighting off draken while kisaki took care of takemichi…then later when I tried to look for him I saw him dead on the streets…apparently a truck ran him over." He said before taking a seat.

You sat still while trying to process everything hanma just told you. You were actually surprised that kisaki is now dead.

But it's not like you care. He deserved it anyway after all he's done.


"You should get some rest. You'll be able to go home in 2 days so just rest for now."

"Yeah ran right it's best that you rest now."

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