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The clock read 4 am

You sat quietly on one of the couches that you had in your office. Glass cup on hand and a half empty bottle of tequila, your drunken state got the better of you and your emotions as you silently started crying.

You look down at the picture that you had lying on the table as more tears started to slide down your cheeks.

"Fuck you mikey…why show yourself to me after all these years trying to apologize when you should've believed me in the first place!"

You let out a loud angry cry as you threw the glass cup on the ground. You curled up against the couch and glared at the picture.

"Why…why show up now? I was doing just fine…just fine without you in my life" 

Why can't you just leave me alone? You already hurt me enough. 

Just please leave me alone

You hugged your knees tighter against your chest as you let the tears slide down your face.

I'm so fucking weak. How can I be this weak

What did I do to deserve all this pain? Why can't I just live in peace for once!

You were in deep thought that you didn't notice the door opening and someone walking in the room.

Until you heard the sound of someone stepping on broken glass. You slowly looked up to see kakucho. 

He felt heartbroken seeing you in such a state.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed"

You didn't complain and just let the man pick you up. He didn't like how you started becoming more thin than last time. He also noticed the dark eye bags that you always cover half of the time.

The last time I saw her eyes bag, they weren't this bad

He made a mental note to make sure you eat and sleep more.

He also made a mental note to have ran clean up the mess you made in your office by tomorrow morning.


You groan as your head began to throb in pain

You slowly sat up to see that you were in your room. You sigh as you look at the time.

"3:45 pm" You looked at the clock for a good minute before getting up from bed. 

"What are you doing?" You look to see kakucho standing in the doorway.

"Getting ready for work? What else" He frowned as you started making your way to the bathroom.

"You should rest, you know"

"I'm good" He followed after you and stood by the bathroom door.

"I'm serious y/n, when was the last time you went to bed?"

"Just now" You grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste before brushing your teeth. 

Kakucho just looked at you. Watching as you brushed your teeth. You looked at him confused through the bathroom mirror.

"You know it's not healthy to not sleep a lot" He says as he looks at you.

"And eat" 

You continue to finish up on brushing your teeth before answering him.

"I just don't want you to get sick" 

"I won't" You continue to then splash cold water on your face to wake you up more.



"Go easy on the drinking" You walked out the bathroom but stopped when kakucho grabbed you by the wrist.

"I'm serious" You could see the desperation in his eyes and that was enough to make you feel bad.

"I'll try" He nods.

"Come, breakfast is ready" He still has a hold of your wrist as he pulls you to the kitchen. You were met with the nice aroma of breakfast being prepared and you could feel your stomach growl with hunger.

“Here take a seat”

Inui handed you your plate and you noticed that your plate was a little more full than the other’s.

“Thank you seishu” He hums back and you slowly start to eat. 

As everyone ate and talked about unimportant matters, you swallowed your food before getting everyone’s attention.

“I was thinking that it is about time me and everyone else here gets their own place” Once those words left your mouth, you were met with silence. Everyone stopped talking and eating as they stared at you.

“But why so sudden?”

“I think we’re doing pretty good living like this”

“Is this because I keep using your shampoo?”

“What- You’ve been using my shampoo?”


You sigh before taking another bite of your food.

“I just think it will be better that we all get our own place. So then we will have more space and privacy for ourselves”

“And so we also won’t fight about who gets to shower first”

“But how will we be able to move if none of us haven’t looked for a place yet? Mm maybe it’s best that we stay like this and not waste our time looking for a place to stay ” ran says with a small smirk. 

“That’s no problem. I already found homes for you guys”


“Mhm. I expect everyone to have their things packed by tomorrow morning. Now if you excuse me, I have to go get ready for a meeting with some rival gang” 

“Breakfast was amazing by the way inui” And you were gone. Everyone was speechless and they all looked at each other with disbelief.

“She can’t possibly be serious” Izana says. Not believing your word.

“Uhh why are there moving trucks outside?” Sanzu chokes as everyone else looks stunned.

“So she is serious” 

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