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Waking up you saw that you were back in your bed. You looked to your side and saw that there was a note.

"Draken took you back home after you fell asleep at the park! There is still leftover cake in the fridge and your presents in your room! I had so much fun last night and I hope you did too:)"

You notice that it was Hina who wrote the note. You smiled remembering last night's events.

It was the best birthday I had ever had

You thought to yourself before getting up and going to the bathroom. You brush your teeth before going downstairs to make yourself some breakfast.

You didn't know what to make yourself for breakfast so you just stick with a cup of noodles.

After heating it up you sat down and started eating. While eating you receive a text

It was from draken

Open your door

You were confused before you heard a knock on the door.
Quickly you got up from your seat and walked towards the door.

"Draken? What are you doing here?"

You said while stepping aside to let him in. Closing the door when he comes in you walked towards your kitchen and sat on the stool.

"Nothing just wanted to stop by."

You just nodded before taking another bite of your noodles. You could see that he wanted to ask you something but was hesitant.

"Wanna ask me something?" Your words made him turn his head towards you. He nodded.

"What is it?"

"Um, is there any reason why…Mikey has been avoiding you?"

You stop chewing and stare at him. You could sense he felt a little uncomfortable with your staring and you looked down.

"M' don't know..he just started acting different all of a sudden and started hating me. I don't know what I did to make him upset."

This has been going on for months. Everything was fine until up to 4 months ago he started acting differently. More distance and he slowly started hating you.

Silence filled the room. You finished your noodles before taking a sip of your water.

"D..did he tell you anything on why he acted like this?" 

You hoped that he knew at least something that caused Mikey to suddenly start disliking you. But all that hope went away when he shook his head. You were shocked to say the least.

"I'm sorry but he didn't tell me anything..even If I bring it up he always changes the topic." You just hum and layed your head down. You and mikey been friends since childhood. Since you were 5 and you were also there when Shinichiro died. You have always been by his side and will always will be. Well before this whole situation happened.

You sigh before getting up and throwing away your trash. 

"Well then…let's just forget about it." 

You took in the fresh air and finally felt relaxed.

You been walking around for the past 15 minutes. It was getting hard getting some sleep so you now have a routine of walking around at the late hours of the night in Hope's of getting tired and going to sleep.

You stop at a convenient store and bought some chips and a drink. You decided on going back home and watch a movie.

On your way home you notice that a few guys have been eyeing you for some time.

You huff in annoyance knowing what about to go down.

"Heyy pretty lady! What are you doing all alone out here huh?" He ask while the other two boys behind him laugh. 

"Listen I'm not here to talk and entertain you guy's so go and leave me the fuck alone."

This just caused him to laugh and grab your arm.

"Your a feisty one aren't ya? Come on let's show you a good time."

"Oh yeah? I'll show you a good time then." You said before your fist collided with his face. The hard impact of your fist made him stumble onto the ground.

"Hey! You bitch!" Before the other dude could land a punch on you, you manage to dodge and grab and twist his arm. He screamed in pain before you kick him to the ground.

The other one was shaking in slight fear before you looked at him directly face to face. He almost pissed himself when he saw your eyes.

They looked lifeless..

Before you could show him a piece of your mind he was punched to the ground. 

You looked up and was met with gold irises looking directly at you.

"Woah you sure know how to land a punch." 

You just stared at him before looking at the beat up men in the ground.

"They sure do have the balls to harass a woman but don't know how to fight properly."

You said before walking away. Making sure you step on each of them before walking towards your home.

You didn't notice that the boy from earlier was following you. You turned around confused.

"Do you need anything?" You asked.

"Nope." He said. 

"Mm actually never mind I do."

You raised your eyebrows and signal him to continue.

"What your name?" 

You scoff at his question before turning around and walking away.


You said before leaving.

"Y/n? Sounds familiar." He whispered to himself before walking away.

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