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A week passed after the festival. Mikey was sitting on his bed staring out the window. A slight knock from the door was enough to pull him out of his thoughts.

"Come in"

The door opens to reveal emma. He turned to look at her.

"It's today"

Those words were enough to tell him everything. He looked down before getting up from his bed.

"I'll wait for you in the living room." He gave her a small nod. He looked at the calendar that was across his room. Seeing the month and date made him swallow the lump in his throat.

He still couldn't believe that it's been a year. He quickly got ready before walking out his room and meeting his sister who was waiting for him.



She got up from the couch and they both made their way out the door.

"Let's go to that cute flower shop that just opened up." She suggested as they both walked the empty early morning streets.


It took them 5 minutes to get to the shop. Mikey opened the door to let his sister in first, soon following after her. He looked around the bright shop and saw multiple different types of flowers. The place smelled nice knowing the amount of flowers the shop had. Emma had walked away to look at the roses and mikey decided to walk around.

He was looking around until a certain flower caught his eye. He walked towards it and saw that it was a f/f.

One of your favorite flowers

"Mikey?" He turns to see emma. She looks at him and then to the boutique of flowers.

"Ah these are f/f right? One of y/n favorite flowers." She said while still looking at the f/f. She turns to look at Mikey who was looking down.

"Want to take it?"


"Do you want to take it? We can buy it if you want." She said while softly smiling at him. Mikey looks at her and then to the flowers and then back to her. He nods his head and emma smiles and pats his shoulder.

"Okay then! I'll take it-" Emma was cut off by mikey who quickly grabbed the flowers.

"No! I-I can take it" She was quite shocked by mikey action but quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh okay then, I'll go pay for it and then we can leave." 

Mikey just nodded his head and emma walked off to the front counter. He held the boutique of flowers close to him while watching emma pay. Once she was done she waved him over and they both exited the shop.

It was silent on the way to their destination. Mikey was silent while emma casually hummed some songs.

"Oh were here.."

He tightened the hold he had on the flowers. They walk some more before stopping at an all familiar spot. Emma sat down and patted the spot next to her signaling mikey to sit.

He sat down with the flowers in hand. He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"Today marks a year since…we lost you" Emma says. She quickly wiped the tears that escaped while trying not to break down. Mikey just sat there silently while watching his sister talk.

"We all really miss you, I've been trying to not cry as much as back then. But sometimes it's hard when someone so close to you isn't here anymore…" Mikey could feel his heart arche hearing those words.

"I just wish that you're still here with us. We all miss you so much." She said, They both stayed there for some time before emma got up to leave.

"I'll stay for a little more, you can go." He said.

"Are you sure?"


"Mh…okay then." She bid goodbye one last time before leaving. Now mikey was alone. He looked at the flowers before gently placing them down.

"I-I brought your favorite"

He says while fiddling with his hands. He brings his knee up to his chest while resting his chin on his knees.

"Emma is right, we all miss you very much. I also miss you so much…" he could feel the lump in his throat again. 

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry y/nnn, i-if I wasn't fucking stupid and didn't let myself get manipulated by that bastard. Then we could've still had more time to spend together." Tears were already pouring out of mikey eyes.

"We were close friends yet I said and did horrible things to you..and I know you might not even accept my apology but…I just want you to know that I'm very sorry."

At this point his vision is blurry because of how much he is crying. He wiped his tears away with the paws of his hoodie and stood up.

"Heh all I did was cry huh…well I hope next time I will be able to talk without crying. Goodbye y/n." He looked at your grave one last time before leaving.

Little did he know that he was being watched the whole entire time.

"Wow, who would've thought that the invincible mikey would be a cry baby?"

"Shut up, he literally "lost" someone."


"Kakucho!" You yelled out from the bathroom. Within seconds he was standing outside the bathroom door with a towel on hand.

"I know I know, you forgot your towel…again."

"Yeahhh." You sheepishly said. He shook his head and sighs. He covers his eyes with one hand while the other slowly opens the door. Even though he has been doing this multiple times he still could feel his cheeks burn.

"Here!" He says and feels you snatch the towel from his hands. He quickly turns around and leaves but doesn't miss the quick thank you from you.

"She forgot her towel again?" Kakucho turns to see hanma.


Hanma only hums and takes a sip of his soda. 

"Well you do get flustered easily"

"Shut up!"

Hanma only laughs and walks away to his room. Kakucho quickly covers his red cheeks before walking to his room.

Minutes later you step out of the bathroom with some sweats and a t-shirt. You hurriedly walk to your room to dry your hair.

Once you finish drying your hair you quickly grab your shoes, jacket, and mask and walk out the door.

You shiver feeling the cold breeze and quickly start walking away. You made sure the others didn't hear or see you leave the house at such a late hour. 

"Maybe this is for the best"

You say while walking further and further away from the penthouse.

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