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"Long time no see mikey.."

Mikey stood still as Takeomi made his way in the room. Baji pulled mikey down to take a seat while Takeomi took a seat in front of them.

"Well it's nice seeing you guys again, you're all grown up now"

"Nice seeing you too!"

He smiled and then looked at Mikey who was quiet.

"So why are we here"

"For y/n of course"

"What do you know about y/n?" He asks with furrowed brows. Takeomi laughs and takes out a file and gives it to him.

"If you didn't know, my brother works for her, he is known to be y/n loyal executive and y/n right hand man"

"Wait, sanzu works for y/n?" 

"Shocking, am I right? I was too since he was so loyal to you back then" baji interrupts. Mikey grabs the file and opens it up to see pictures and articles about Bonten number 2.

"He has been working for her for the past 7 years, so I have been able to see and speak to her a few times over the years"

"And do you work for her?"

"Oh no, I don't really want to associate myself with criminal stuff unlike haruchiyo. That kid has gotten crazy over the years"

"He was always crazy" baji muttered under his breath as Takeomi just chuckles.

"So I heard you wanted to see her, right?"

"Yes" He sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

"Mm well that will be easy, if it was someone else.Though I will try to get her to show up, but just so you know I ain't making any promises"

"After all, y/n really doesn't like you" 

"What did you say takemichi?" Takemichi gulps when he sees the dark look in Mikey's eyes.


"I'll think of something, but one thing I want you to know when you see her again ….don't fuck it up, okay?"


"Okay! Well is that all?"

"Yes , thank you Takeomi!" 

"No problem kid! Anyways I'll see you guys another time, yeah?"


"Thank you!"

As the four exited the building, Mikey was deep in thought.

How will you react when you see him again?

Will you give him a second chance?

Or did he already fuck up that bad to not get a second chance….


"You're an idiot"

"A fucking idiot"

"Ugh I know that! Stop reminding me!"

After talking with Takeomi, the four made their way back to mikey house. Which now leads back to their conversation of him being an absolute idiot.

"So, who thinks she'll even look in his direction?"

No one raised their hand which made mikey groan.

"You guys are mean"

"Nah it the truth"

Mikey glared at baji as baji just laughed, not taking anything serious.

"Well let's just hope she hears you out and doesn't kill you"

"Chifuyu your not making this any better"

"Was I supposed to?"

"Get out all of you"

The two laugh as they walk out of mikey room while takemichi just waves him goodbye and leaves. Now he was left all alone in the comfort of his own room.

He just hopes you do give him a chance to apologize for being such an idiot back then.


It Was a Sunday afternoon. The cold breeze was all you felt as you quietly walked along the path behind Bonten headquarters.

As you were enjoying the beautiful weather, it was soon ruined when you heard someone call your name.

"Y/n! There's someone here to see you" you hear one of your men say. You sigh before turning around to look at him.

"I don't remember having a meeting or inviting anyone today. Whoever it is tell them to leave"

"B-but y/n, it's Takeomi! He says he has-"

"Takeomi? Now what does that old man want…."

You sigh before walking back inside leaving the man behind. As you make your way back in you see takeomi waiting for you.

"Y/n! Nice to see you again"

"What do you want"

"Fucking rude, did anyone ever taught you to be nice-"

"To the elderly?" He stayed silent and you can tell he was holding back from cursing you out.

"Anyways, I'm here to invite you over for dinner"


"Yeah, it's been a while since I talked to you..like a year or two? Anyway I just wanna catch up that all"

You look at him suspiciously which made him roll his eyes

"Can a man not be nice and seem suspicious?"

"I mean you are haruchiyo brother so-"

"I am not like that!" 

"Okay geez!" You let out a small giggle at his face which made him smile a bit. He personally hasn't seen you giggle or anything when he visits.

"Okay so dinner?"

"Are the rest coming with me?"

"Uhhh no?"

"Then no"


"If your gonna send your brother to annoy me until I agree then fine"

"But I'm bringing them with me whether you like it or not"

"Fine, Tuesday at 10 pm alright?"


He then turns to leave as you just stood there thinking about why you agreed to go.

"Now I gotta deal with more work" 

"That tuff"

"Fucking hell!" You scream as you turn to see izana behind you.

"What are you doing?"

"I finished with all my work and decided to walk around and then I saw you so I decided to give you a scare" 

"Well guess what"


"You will sort out Tuesday schedule so go get to work"


You started walking away as Izana just stood there in shock.

"That kakucho job though!" 


A/n: I really don't like this chapter😓 but I tried my best to make it a little interesting! Sorry for the wait!

And thank you so much to 100 followers! And 105k reads💖

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