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After the incident you never left your room.

You haven't gone to school for a few days and the others were worried. They tried contacting you and also came to visit you and to see if you were okay. But you never answered back their messages or opened the door.

You got up and saw that it was still early, around 4 am. You got up and headed to the bathroom. Seeing your reflection in the mirror you realize you looked like shit, eyebags and puffy eyes from all the crying and no sleep.

You washed your face and teeth before putting on your hoodie and shoes. 

You walked. Not having any location in mind, you just kept walking. You didn't realize that someone was walking towards you until you bump into them.

"Sorry." You mumbled before continuing to walk away but before you could get any further you felt someone grab your wrist.

"Y/n?" You looked up to see that it was takemichi.

"Takemichi? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I live in this neighborhood." Upon hearing his words you looked around and noticed that this was in fact takemichi neighborhood.


"Can we talk?"


You were sitting on the couch in Takemichi's living room while he sat at the other end. You both didn't utter a word and stayed silent. But the silence was broken when Takemichi finally spoke.

"We are all worried about you, you know."

You just stayed silent.

"Y/n why didn't you answer any of our calls?" Again you stayed silent.

You just wanted to be alone

You sighed before putting your head in your hands.

"I didn't want to talk to anyone." You said before cursing yourself when you felt tears sliding down your cheeks.

Takemichi knew you were crying when he saw your shoulders shaking. He pulled you into a hug and that was when you broke down.


"I can't! First Mikey started ignoring me! He started distancing himself from me and now hates me! What did I even do to make him act like this? If I did something wrong I want to apologize to him! And now I'm kicked out of toman?" He just stayed silent and let you cry and rant to him about all your problems.

"Y'know…me and mikey were really close growing up.."

He stayed silent and let you continue.

"We were like twins…we would always do everything together and would also practice in the dojo along with baji. We would cause trouble together and Shin would scold us." You let out a giggle remembering about the past. 

"Me and Mikey would kick ass too. We would do everything together and have never left each other's side even for a second." You tried to calm down your breathing before continuing.

"But I guess things change. Now we aren't so close like we used to be." 


You slowly opened your eyes. You noticed that you weren't in your room. You quickly got up and saw that you were in the living room of someone's house.

Then it hit you. You stayed at takemichi house.

You noticed that Takemichi was still asleep so you quietly got up and walked towards the door before leaving.

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