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Everyone received the news of your death.

After the others came to see the big commotion going on and seeing your house bursting into flames they all felt their heart drop.

They did everything they could. Some even tried to go in to try to save you but were stopped by the officers.

They couldn't do anything but stare in horror and sadness seeing your house burning.

They haven't been the same since. Emma cries every night knowing someone she considers a sister is now gone. Hinata can't even stand hearing your name brought up. She would burst into tears and excuse herself before locking herself in her room and sobbing her lungs out. The others aren't doing well either.

They couldn't believe that you were actually gone. Some couldn't even get sleep because every time they close their eyes they see you. 

Fun memories would always flash in their minds and that would be enough to make them silently cry.

Others would overwork themselves and or try to do something to forget about that horrible scene.

Everyone was devastated and still can't believe that you're gone now.

And for mikey..

When he received the news of your passing he surprisingly was shocked. A part of him felt missing. But he tried to not let it bother him. Even though he knew you for a long time he tried to forget you. 

After all, you were a threat to him and his loved ones.


"What the hell!" 

They both turned around to see Rin angrily stomping to them, bottle in hand.

"Did you drink my orange juice ran?!" 

"Oh..that was yours? O sorry little bro I was thirsty." He said with a smugly smile causing rin to roll his eyes and walk away with a huf. 

"You knew that was his didn't you?" 

"Maybe…" he still had that annoying look on his face that you wished you could slap away.

"Y/n wanna eat some takeout today?" He asked while going through multiple channels.

"Yeah sure." 

Yes you are alive. Your plan of disappearing was very risky. If mikey wanted you away from his friends and family then "dying" would be a good idea. Well that's what you thought that moment while pouring gasoline all over the floor.

You plan on making it seem that you died in a house fire so the others won't waste their time looking for you thinking you ran away. 

You hate yourself for what you did. Putting them in a state where they're probably suffering from your loss.

You left everything behind. Your phone, clothes, shoes, everything! You couldn't risk someone finding out you're alive. You ran away from your home while it was bursting into flames. You at the moment didn't care where you ran or how long you've been running for. But you slowly notice that you aren't in Shibuya anymore. 

That's when two familiar figures notice you. Once you notice them you explain what happened and they gladly took you in. 

That's how you're now living with ran and rindou.

"Y/n! Hello, are you there?" You blink and notice how close ran was to your face. You shoved him away by your hand.

"Yes I am here." 

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