y/n backstory

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You weren't always alone. You had parents and an older brother. You had a nice and amazing family.

Or so you thought

Everything was going fine. But one day on the news you saw that they found two dead bodies. Caused of it was murder. They were found in a ditch far from where you lived.

As you paid attention you noticed that it was your parents.

"Is that mom and dad?" You asked. Tears in your eyes. Your brother looked at the tv before his eyes widened. He quickly turned it off before taking you to your room.

"Go to bed, I'll be right back."

He said before tucking you into bed and giving your forehead a kiss. 

You didn't know that that was also the last time you would ever see your brother.

He died in an abandoned building in a fire.

After that you were sent away. You didn't know where but that was where you found yourself in the sanos household.

Grandpa sano took you in. He was a close friend of your dad's. Though your father is younger than him.

He took you in and that was when he introduced you to the sanos siblings.

That was also when you and mikey met. You two got along quite well. Same with emma and Shinichiro.

They were like a second family to you. 

As you grew older you found out the truth about your parents death. Your parents were in debt with some gang and didn't pay to the deadline. Your brother tried asking For more time so he can pay his parents' debt but they killed him in the fire.

It was truly heartbreaking after finding out.

But mikey was always there for you. He never once left your side and same goes to you too.

You later used your parents money to buy yourself a small home. Grandpa sano insisted on you still living with them but you declined. You didn't want to be a burden for them so that why you choose to move out.

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