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You been staying with the haitanis for a week now. During that long week, ran and rindou has been taking good care of you. They insist on feeding you even though you always tell them that you have hands to feed yourself but they just ignore you.

They also help you with your wounds. Making sure that everything is fine and that your wound doesn't get infected. 

"When can I go home?" You asked from the couch.

"When you're fully recovered." Ran said from the kitchen. You frowned at his words.

"I'm fully recovered though. For the past few days!"

"Oh come on. Why do you want to go home so bad? We got to know each other for the past few days and had some fun too!" 

"I don't want to bother you guys any further. So I want to go home." You hated being a bother to people. The brothers were so kind enough to let you stay at their place that you now started feeling bad.

"You're not a bother y/n." 

Rin said from beside you. He was cleaning his glasses while ran was making some food in the kitchen for you.

"Still..I want to have some alone time too."

The brothers looked at each other before sighing.

"How about you stay just for two more days and then we can drop you off at home, okay?" You thought about it for a moment. 

Just two days

"Mm fine. But only two days!" Ran chuckle before calling you to eat. While you were eating, he decided to ask you a question.

"How did you know kazutora was going to stab baji anyway?" 

Ran said out of nowhere.

"Oh..I just got a gut feeling that's all."

You didn't know why you lied but you also didn't want to tell them that hanma told you.

You continue talking with them about different things. Not knowing that your friends were panicking about your whereabouts.


"Where is she?!"

"She's been gone for a whole week!"

After the incident the others have been trying to look for you. The only thing they know is that the haitani brothers took you and that it. They tried to see if you were home but your house was empty.

"You said the haitani brothers took her right?" 

Emma asked while trying to call your phone for the hundreds time already.

"Yeah! They carried her away and before we could do anything the police arrived!" Chifuyu said. Mitsuya signs while rubbing his temple, already having a headache after this week's events. 

"It's already getting late, maybe we should head home now."

"Yeah Mitsuya right. We could continue tomorrow but for now we need rest." 

They all bid each other goodbye before parting ways.

Finally arriving home you thank both ran and rindou before going inside your home.

"Ughh I'm finally back." 

You checked your phone to see hundreds of missed calls and unread messages.


You haven't been on your phone for a week and you already have a lot of missing calls and messages.

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