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Takemichi stayed silent the whole time. He was thinking about different excuses to tell mikey so he won't know anything.

While mikey on the other hand was getting impatient. 


He gulped hearing mikey say his name. He knew that mikey could tear him in half if he got on his bad side so he quickly thought of a random excuse on the spot.

"It was from a movie! A movie quote!...yeah a movie quote." Mikey just looked at him weirdly.




They both awkwardly stayed there in silence. Takemichi got up from the ground and dust off the dirt from his pants. He coughed and grabbed his bag from the ground.

"Yeah sorry for the misunderstanding!"

Mikey just awkwardly nodded and takemichi walked away. Once he was out of mikey view he let out a big sigh of relief.

"Fuck that was close.."



You let out a frustrated groan hearing your name being called. 

"What happened this time?"

"Um well…"

You quirk one eyebrow up and waited for him to explain.

"The haitanis got lock up again and need to get bailed out"

You could feel your eyes twitch in irritation and calmly let out a sigh.

Izana entered the room and saw you looking stressed while hanma just stood there. He quickly knew what was happening and chuckled.

"Let me guess….ran and rindou are locked up?"

Hanma nodded and izana sighed.

"Hanma go get koko, he'll bail them out."

He did what he was told and went to look for koko.

Two new members joined tenjiku this week. Their names being kokonoi hajime and inupi seishu.

Kakucho found them mistaking them as spies from another gang but only to find out their normal civilians. They both found interest in tenjiku and decided on joining.

Izana accepted them when he found out that koko was good when it came to money and inupi was a good fighter.

You didn't like it at first since you clearly remember them being a part of toman, though you never interacted with any of the two they still knew who you are. 

So what a surprise it was for them to see you-ex toman captain alive.

"Kakucho made dinner, you should join us today." You shook your head and got up to walk to your room, But was stopped by izana.

"Y/n I'm serious, you haven't eaten much at all for weeks. You looked like you lost some weight and it worries me."

"Izana, just eat dinner without me like always." You said and left for your room. He just stood there for a moment before sighing.

He may not look like it, but Izana really cares for you.

"Izana?" He looked up to see kakucho and inupi.

"Is she not having dinner again?"

He shook his head and kakucho frowned.

"I'll just leave some in her room when she is hungry."


The clock read 3:00

You woke up in a cold sweat for the 5th time this week. 

Another nightmare 

You thought. You didn't know when these nightmares started but all you knew is that you hated them and wanted it to go away. You have been suffering with these nightmares for years now-though they were never this bad. 

Shinichiro or mikey were the ones who usually managed to calm you down after you burst into tears when you got them. They will comfort you until you stop crying and go back to sleep.

But that was the past and you didn't have no one to calm you down. They weren't bad throughout the years but recently you started waking up in a cold sweat and wouldn't even sleep from time to time from how bad they are. You remember how the dreams started to slowly go away when you grew older but just about 2 months ago they came back. Worse than before and also new nightmares

Because of the dreams and not sleeping because of how scared you are, you started getting dark circles. 

The nightmares that you suffered for years were about your parents and brother. You would wake up from the screams of your mother and father when they were getting killed. Even though you weren't there when they died you can imagine the terror and fear they felt.

And your brother. You could imagine his screams of agony while burning in the flames of the building he was killed in.

But now it's the same nightmare but also your parents and brother disappointment in how you turned out. Along with mikey hateful words.

You could see the absolute hatred in his eyes and the venom of his words.

"Leave me alone!" You yelled into your pillow. For the whole week they decided to terrorize you in your dreams. You groan onto your pillow and reach to your bedside table for the cold water bottle you always keep in your room.

You took a big sip and felt refreshed tasting the cold water in your dry mouth. You check the time to see that it was 3:20. You were tired but you didn't want to go back to sleep.

You thought of something but quickly decided not to out of embarrassment. You could feel your eyes fighting back the urge to close your eyes and sleep.

"Fuck it."

You got up and took your pillow with you. You slowly opened your door and looked around the halls. You step out into the hall and slowly close your door shut. You then tiptoe down the hall and stop in front of an all to familiar bedroom.

You let out a sigh of relief when you noticed that they didn't lock their door. You slowly open it and step in. You could see the person peacefully sleeping in their bed and you felt a little jealous on how they can sleep peacefully without any nightmares disrupting them.

You quietly made your way to their bed and layed down in the empty space next to them. You made yourself comfortable before slowly drifting off to sleep being in their presence.

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