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You, ran and rindou where on your way to the meeting. You were silent on the way there while the other two argued about who knows what the whole way there.

You guys finally arrived and you saw everyone waiting. 

Izana must not be here yet

You thought before following closely behind ran and rin.

A few minutes later izana arrived and began the meeting.

During the whole meeting you felt a little uneasy. You kept a straight face but deep down you felt like something wrong was going to happen. Once Izana dismissed the meeting everyone went their separate ways.

While you were walking your way back home you noticed hanma and kisaki in an alleyway in the corner of your eye. You decided to listen in to their conversation.

"So you're actually going to do it?" You heard hanma say. You stood quietly trying to hear what they were talking about.

"Of course. On February 22 I'm going to kill emma sano in order to affect tomans chance in winning and to also destroy mikey."

Hearing his words made your heart drop. Your eyes wided and you had to quickly cover your mouth before they could hear the gaps you let out. 

Kill emma?

No you can't let this happen. You can't let kisaki hurt her or be near her.

No not emma anyone but her

You thought. You quickly but quietly walk out of there. 

February 22, that is a week from now.

You can't let her die. Emma is like a younger sister to you. So seeing her get hurt would kill you. 

I need to find a way to prevent this from happening.

You said to yourself before speed walking back home.


You haven't slept in days. Trying to figure out what to do to not let kisaki get his way, you tried coming up with different ways from letting this happen.

Of course the brothers notice this. They would ask what was wrong but you would always wave them off and say that it's nothing.

February 22

That 3 days away.

As the date gets near the more anxious you get. 

What if I won't be able to protect her? What If I'm to late? What if she does end up killed? What if I show up late or-

You quickly shook your head. Trying to not think about the worst case scenario. It was 1 am and you were still up. You decided that it would be best if you get some rest.

I would do anything to make sure your safe emma

You say to yourself before letting sleep take over.


Today was the day.

For tenjiku vs toman 

And Emma sanos death

Last night you could barely sleep. You haven't eaten in days so you didn't have that much strength. 

Rindou noticed that you haven't been doing well the past couple weeks. You eat less and sleep less. 

Ran noticed that you started losing some weight. He got a little worried seeing you like this but you would always tell them your fine.

February 22

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