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The next day was silent. Everyone stayed over at baji apartment after the whole fight that broke out last night. 

After helping chifuyu with his hangover and takemichi with his wounds, everyone gathered up in the living room. 

Waiting for an explanation- especially mikey. 

"So why did you keep it a secret?" He asks coldly while trying to keep himself from not beating up both takemichi AND chifuyu.

They stayed silent trying to find a good explanation for the whole situation. Hina noticed that takemichi and chifuyu were quiet, and also noticed how mikey grew impatient as the seconds went by. She sighs which grab everyone's attention.

"We found out from kisaki…seconds before he was hit he told takemichi that y/n was still alive" gasps and shocked faces were heard and seen as she continued to tell them everything.

"Takemichi told chifuyu first, then I later found out on my own when I overheard them talking about it" She says while glaring at the two who smile sheepishly. 

"We then started to try and find clues about her and everything which eventually led up to her being alive and a tenjiku member at the time"

"Wait, y/n was a tenjiku member?" Baji says while his eyes were wide in disbelief.

"Mhm, she was…so we later found their hideout where they held meetings, we three decided to go take a look and well"

"They were there" now it was chifuyu who spoke up while takemichi nodded.

"They surrounded us while asking why we were in their hideout. We told them the reason before their leader, izana, said that it was false and that y/n wasn't alive" almost everyone in the room sat silently while trying to know more about the story.

"That was until someone walked in and asked what was going on…the same person that saved emma that day" a gasp was heard as everyone turned to look at emma who had her hand over her mouth.

"So the person who saved me that day…was y/n?"

Takemichi nodded 

"They didn't want her to see us so izana quickly tried to leave but she heard chifuyu speak. She turned around and ask why were we looking for her"

"She later told us to not look for her again, that she wants nothing to do with us and to not tell anyone or else there will be consequences…" Everyone was quiet for a minute. Processing everything they were told. Especially mikey.

"So for 7 years we stayed quiet…."

"That's why we never said anything, up until chifuyu let it out" both turned to glare at chifuyu who just looked away with a pout.

"So she never wanted us to know….but why did she do it?"

"That's what we wanted to find out!"

While everyone continues talking about what could've been the reason you left and disappeared. Mikey kept quiet. Knowing that he was probably the reason for this whole thing.

"Where do you think she is now?" Ask Nahoya. The three awkwardly chuckled before Takemichi spoke up.

"Umm about that" Everyone looked at Takemichi and waited for him to continue.

"Y/n is bonten leader"



You sigh knowing who voice it was. Suddenly your door was flung open and in came sanzu who looked out of it.

"There's a dragon chasing me!" You looked at him with a deadpan expression and rolled your eyes.

"Sanzu…there is no dragon" He blinks at you before letting out a "o".

You pick up your phone and texted someone. Within seconds kakucho and izana come running in your office.

"Is there anything you need, boss?"

"Please take sanzu and make sure he doesn't take any more of those pills" they turned to look at sanzu who was sitting on the floor and playing with a random globe that he found.

"Ah okay" 

"Hey look, it's earth!" He says while showing them the globe.

"No shit now c'mon" 

You watch as the three exited your office. You let out a small smile as they left. They may be annoying and cocky sometimes but deep down you love them dearly. They have grown a place in your heart over the years and you would do anything to keep them safe.

A knock pulled you out of your thoughts. 

"Come in" The door opens and you look up to see hanma.

"Today the day!" He says. You slightly tilt your head in confusion which makes him roll his eyes.

"It's your birthday dumbass!" You blink twice before checking the calendar. And indeed it is your birthday.


"Don't tell me you forgot" you just sigh and continue going through the documents on your desk.

"Mm it's just like any normal day honestly, nothing special" you heard him gasp and you look up to see a hand over his heart as if he was offended.

"Of course it's special! It's the day you were brought into this world!" 

"Hanma seriously-"

"C'mon! You should have a day off"

"I'm your boss, I can decide when and when not I'll have a day off" 

"Which is never" 

You both just stared at each other in silence. You sigh and could hear him chuckle in victory.

"Fine-" before you could finish your sentence he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of your office.

"I swear you're lucky I like you-"

"Yeah yeah or else you'll kill me like the others"

You just lazily followed him as he hummed in satisfaction.

"We're going to have a big celebration in one of the haitanis clubs!" He yells out which grab the other executives attention.

"You're going out?" Kazutora asks when he saw you both enter the big lounge that is for executives only.

"Of course! We all are since it's y/n birthday today!" Everyone stopped dead on their tracks once those words left hanma mouth.

In seconds Everyone excused themselves while also quickly grabbing their keys and coats.

"Huh? You guys are still attending right!?" He yells out while the others rush out of the lounge.

"Yeah!" They yelled out before running out the door. 

Both you and hanma looked at each other before shrugging.

"Takeout before the party?"


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