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"You got to be fucking kidding me"

A loud slam made him jump as you closed the moving van. He frowned as you just quietly walked up to his side with the keys.

"That was the last of your stuff, here" He took the keys from your hands and looked at them with disgust.

"Ugh do I have too?" He says as he tries to hand you back the house keys to his new place. You raised a brow as you backed up.

"Yes? Sanzu you are a grown man, act like it" He rolls his eyes as he takes a box of cigarettes out of his pocket.

He hands you one as you take it and put it in between your lips. You lean forward as he lit it up for you. You didn't notice the way he was looking at you as he lit up your cigarette.

"I don't know why you guys made it such a big deal when I told you guys that you are all moving out" He hums as he lifts up his cigarette.

"Mm, probably because we were all use to living together since we were teens"

"Makes sense"

The both of you enjoyed the silence. Enjoying the nice chilly air as the two of you smoked.



"Do you think....I should give Mikey a chance?" He froze. Mikey? Second chance?

Fuck no


"Why's that?" Smoke puffed from your lips as you exhaled.

Haru stayed silent

"Just cause.."

"That's it?" You ask as you look at him.

"Mhm" You looked at him for a bit before smiling.


"What?" His eyes widen. He looked at you and you just smiled.

"I won't give him a second chance"


"You said it. So I'll listen"

He was so confused right now. Heart beating against his chest as you laughed at his confused state.

"Gonna miss you and your dumb face"

"Excuse me but my face isn't dumb!" You roll your eyes before dropping your cig and stomping on it.

"Whatever you say haru"

Your phone rings and you pick up

"What is it? Oh okay, uh huh...alright I'll be there" You hung up the phone before turning to look at sanzu.

"I got some meeting with a random wannabe gangster. I'll see you later"

"Uh huh" You wave him goodbye before leaving.

He stood there for a good minute before groaning.

"The things you do to me y/n l/n"



Blood curdling screams can be heard throughout the hall as the tall man groans at the sound.

"I fucking hate when they do that"

He says as he takes a sip of his beverage. The man at the desk hums as he counts the many dollars that laid in front of him as he was trying to ignore the man in front of him and the screams that could be heard throughout the hallway.

"We should really invest in some sound proof walls, don't you think?"

"Yeah uh huh..."

"Also, where did you get this wine? It's good and I'll gladly buy some of this for myself"

"Got it at some random store in France"

"Mm France....Do you know some French?"


"Really? Care to-"

"For fucks sake ran can you stop talking for a bit? FUCK now I lost count" Koko lets out a loud aggressive sigh as he slaps his hands over his face.

Ran only rolls his eyes as he goes back to talking

"Not my fault I don't have anything to do today"

"Well go find something. Go torment some random people out in the streets or something. Just let me count my money in peace, please"

"Who do you think I am? Some weirdo who likes to watch people suffer?" Koko gives him a deadpan look as ran just rolls his eyes.

"Ouch, you wound me hajime"

"Get the fuck out of my office"

"Drama queen..." Ran mumbles under his breath as he leaves, but not before taking the bottle of wine with him.

"Ran give that back" The door slams shut as Koko scowls.

"Ran, give that shit back!"

He can hear the sound of whistling slowly fade down the hallway as he continues to yell out for the older haitani.


Just a normal day for bonten


A/n: Ummmm hi guys! (Let's pretend that I didn't just completely ghost you guys, okay?😄)

Anyways in all seriousness, I'm deeply sorry for not updating.

I really want to finish this book but idk if anyone still reads it (might delete if that's the case) but I hope some still do! (It will be awkward if no one did lol)

Anyways as always, I hope you enjoy!!
(Sorry if the chapter is a bit short. I'm still trying to come back to writing)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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