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The next day none of them said a single word. They were quiet at school which made the others worried.


"Huh?" She looks up to see emma standing in front of her desk.

"Oh, was I spacing out again?" Emma nodded and hina just looked down. She let out a sigh before getting up and grabbing her things.

"We're eating with the others today." Emma told her.

Hinata just nodded and followed right behind her.


"So movies tonight? It's Friday so we can stay up all night." 

"I was thinking about bowling."

As the others talked, hina, takemichi and Chifuyu still kept silent. 

"So what do you think chifuyu? Movies or bowling?" 

"Huh? Oh um..I don't mind either."

"Aw c'mon!"

"What has gotten into you three? You're all so quiet, did something happen?" Mitsuya asked. They looked away feeling their stare and awkwardly chuckle.

"No, I didn't get much sleep."

"I was worrying about the test we have."

"I was thinking about this manga I just finished."

They stared at them silently while hina, takemichi and chifuyu did everything they could to not seem suspicious.

"Mm sounds normal to me." Pah-chin said and they continued back onto their conversation. 

They didn't notice the three let out a sigh of relief.


You were locked in your room for the whole day. Kakucho was worried since you didn't eat breakfast this morning and he has knocked multiple times at your door.

"Kakucho I'm not hungry!" You yelled out from your bed. You were staring at the ceiling while kakucho tried entering your room again.

"C'mon y/n you'll get sick if you don't eat!"

"Not hungry!"

He let out a sigh and decided to leave you alone for the time being and try later.

You continue to stare up the ceiling while thinking about what happened the other day.

You felt horrible. You could see the sadness in their eyes when you said that.

"Sometimes I really am a horrible person.."

You murmur to yourself.

"I bought pizza!" 

You hear someone from the kitchen say. You closed your eyes but was interrupted by your door being open.


"I swear hanma if you-"

You angrily sat up and was about to yell who you assumed was hanma only to be met with someone else.

"You're not hanma…."

"Did you already forget how I looked?" The man chuckled. You confusedly stared at him, wondering what he was doing here.



The pain and guilt still is there for mikey. Oh how he regrets it so bad now that you're not here.

He doesn't know how many times he has cried at night remembering about the past. You were always there for him and always had his back for anything. 

He hates the fact that he is still the only one who hasn't exactly moved on from you. While the others accepted the fact that you were no longer here, he was the only one who still hasn't moved on.

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