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"Alex Summers"

Currently in a government prison, Charles and Eric turns to the prison warden who is going to lend them the inmate who they believe is gonna be their next recruit for the team that they're currently putting together.

"Hope you don't plan on putting him with others... first guy I ever met who prefers solitary confinement." The warden says as he place his hand on the door handle.

Erik and Charles made a quick glance at each other before turning to the door, sliding it open the warden steps back to give the two space to see who their looking for. The door opens to reveal a boy, no older than nineteen. He has blond hair and assuming from his figure he looks strong and that's a bonus for the job Charles and Erik has for him.

The two men nod in approval, stepping back to face the man in charge "We'll take him." Charles smiles before going to turn around to leave, but he was stopped by Erik grabbing his arm.

"Wait," he speaks up as he stares at the door to his right at the end of the hallway "What's that?" he ask referring to what looks like white smoke coming out from under the door.

Charles furrowed his eyebrows and slowly bring his hand to touch the side of his temple, using his ability to see what's on the other side.

Suddenly the guards that was standing on each sides of the hallway started marching towards the door with their guns out, in order of the warden who was with them.

"Wait!" Charles yells, putting his hands up for them to stop. Erik watch as Charles rushes to the door with the warden right on his tail.

"Open the door." Charles ordered as Erik walks over to them.

"I'm sorry sir but I was instructed that only the boy will be granted permission to-"

"The CIA who runs this top secret division has given us access to anyone we need for this project and I will hate for him to find out that this exclusive project could not be finished due to the prisoner warden stopping us from doing so!" Charles cuts him off making Erik smirk at the warden.

The man looks at both of them and sighs" I guess since this was permitted," He replies "But just so you know, this inmate has killed its own father and has hurt ten of my men with nothing but a pen." The warden speaks, nodding his head at one of the guards who has the keys.

Hearing him say that, Erik guesses that this person was also like them, making him think that the mysterious white smoke earlier is his doing "Just open the damn door." Erik speaks up not appreciating the way he called the person an 'it'. Erik knew that the people here wasn't aware that they have a mutant in those doors, but he has a feeling and he knows.

As soon as the door slides open Charles rushes inside, stopping in the middle of the cell. Erik eyed the warden before going inside himself only to be stopped by Charles back.

"Where's the smoke from?" The warden speak up from behind them only to be ignored by the two.

Charles moves to the side revealing a teenage girl curled up on the floor at the side of the room, she hugs her knees as she stare at the two in fear. She has pale skin with dark hair and she looked weak and tired and judging by the bruised arms she was in pain.

"Oh my-" Charles cut himself off by crouching down to her "What's your name?" He asks as Erik stares at the girl in shock from behind him.

Charles brings his hand up his forehead again and only Erik knew what he was doing. After a few seconds Charles let his hand down and looks at the girl, he leans forward so only she can hear.

"I'll get you out of here Anya." He whispers, and without moving his lips he communicates with her through his mind "I promise." he winks making the girl widen her eyes at him.

Watching from behind, only Erik was aware of the exchange so he tries to block the view from the warden behind him.

Not saying another word Charles stands back up and walks back to the warden who was watching from outside the door.

"We'll take her too." Charles says making him nod. Charles stands aside as one of the guards went in to take her.

"What did you see?" Erik whispers to Charles as they stand beside the door.

"Enough." was all he replied to make Erik understand.

"Gently." Erik says not so quietly to the guards who was pulling the girl harshly out the room.


Waiting at the prison doors, Erik and Charles was greeted by Alex with a prison guard on his side to drop him off. Not saying a word Alex went to stand with them as they face the guard that brought him down.

"Where's the girl?" Erik asks impatiently.

"She'll be out in a minute," The guard replies making Alex furrow his eyebrows at what he said. He assume it was just him they want and being mention it was a girl, made his curiosity spark up.

"They're just signing some papers due to this decision being last minute." he finishes before turning to leave.

So waiting with Alex at the prison exit, Charles and Eriks attention was caught by three figures walking their way from the inside. One being a guard and the other the warden and the other short figure being the girl and instead of grey clothing, the girl was now in some jeans, a black shirt, a denim jacket and a pair of brown boots to cover her feet.

Alex widen his eyes slightly at the girl seeing she was only around his age, she was quite short maybe around 5'3 and she has medium size black hair. He furrows his eyebrows wondering how the heck did she end up in here.

"Here you are." The guard says as he hands the girl over to them by bending down to remove the handcuffs off her wrist.

"Was that really necessary?" Charles ask referring to the cuffs on her already bruised wrist. The guard only nods making Erik huff.

"I'll leave you both incharge with this two, so make sure you both make it out the prison gates alive." He says making Erik rolls his eyes.

Turning around, Erik and Charles guides the two new member of their team out the prison doors and into the car that was parked just in front.

Charles guides Alex in while Erik opens the door for Anya, both of them closing their doors at the same time before making eye contact with each other from across the car roof.

"We look like parents picking up the children from school." Charles chuckles making Erik raise his brow at him "Don't mention it." He replies. They both went to open their own doors and slide in without time being wasted.

As soon as the last door in the car was closed Charles starts the car then turn to look at the two kids in the back "You guys ready?" He ask as Erik watches both of them from the mirror.

Earning only a nod from Alex and a stare from Anya, Charles nods his head in satisfaction before turning back around. Erik watches as the two looks out the side of their window in sync not saying one word to each other.

"You guys are gonna like this." Charles speaks up with a smile as he drives out the gates perfectly unharmed unlike what the warden joked.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now