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Hank and Azazel was fighting a couple of steps away from Alex, Anya and Sean and just as Azazel was about to stab Hank in the face with his tail. Shaw appeared behind them and calls Azazels name.

Azazel freezes with a confuse expression on his face and while he was distracted, Hank gets up and throws him on the ground.

Azazel then dissappear and like he knew it already, Hank turns around just as he appeared in front of him and he punches him so hard in the face that he was knocked out cold.

Everyone turned to Shaw who reveal himself to be Raven afterall who only disguised herself to distract Azazel.

A scream rings through the air and they all turn their heads to Charles in the jet who looks like he's in pain. Alex turns to Anya who stares worriedly at Charles with her eyebrows furrowed.

Then everyones gaze was turned to the body of Shaw floating up in the air as it emerges from the sub. Behind him is Erik holding both of them up in the air with his powers.

With blood dripping down the hole in his forehead, Shaws body was dropped down to the sand as Erik floats toward the team with a helmet on his head.

"Today our fighting stops" Erik speaks up as he floats down towards them.

"Take off your blinders brothers and sisters, the real enemy is out there." He said pointing out to the ships were the people are.

He turns back to them "I feel their guns moving in the water, their metal targeting us. The Americans. Soviets. Humans, united in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared my fellow mutants!" He continues.

Charles and Moira appeared with the remaining team in the sand and Anya and the rest moves closer.

"Go ahead Charles and tell me l'm wrong" Erik turns to him with a knowing look.

Charles looks at him for a moment then slowly move his fingers to his temple. He turns to Moira in worry and tells her to tell the humans to not fire but before she could run, a bunch of missles was already fired and is now flying towards them on the beach.

Holding the wound in her arm, Anya looks toward the water with her face blank despite her heart racing inside her chest. Alex hands inches into Anyas free one and like magnets, both their hands intertwine together without any of them giving each other a glance.

Erik raises his hand and stops all of the missile with his powers making it freeze mid air. With everyone expecting him to drop it, he didn't. Except he proceeded to turn them around to let it face the ships instead.

Charles begins to panic "Erik you said so yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it" Charles tries to convince him. "There are thousands of men on those ships! Good. Honest and innocent men who are just following orders."

Anya sees the anger that flash inside Erik's eyes and knew that whatever Charles will continue to say will not affect Erik any longer.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again." Erik hissed, and just like that, Erik shoots the missles out to sea and towards the ships.

"Erik release them!" Charles yelled, but Erik didn't. "No!" Charles yells and runs to tackle him.

Charles pushes Erick making him drop some of the missiles into the sea as he lost balance. He and Charles begins fighting each other causing the missiles to go down to the sea and up again into the air to continue its coarse.

Anya and the boys had the same idea to run towards them to help but Erick spotted them in the corner of his eyes and uses his power to blast them away making them land harshly on their backs on the sand.

Anya groans as she landed wrongly on her ankle making Sean who is the closest to her, shoot up and run towards her to help her up.

"Are you okay?" He ask with her answering in a nod.

Then gunshots rang through the air making everyone turn to Moira who was shooting straightly at Erick causing him to lose focus on the missles resulting in all the missiles to dissappear into the water.

Erick turned each bullet away with his powers all while she continues to shoot bullet after bullet towards him. He didn't stop until the last bullet that he turned hits Charles on his back making him fall back down to the floor with an ear piercing scream.

Erick rushes down to Charles's turning him on his back as he kneels beside him "I'm so sorry." He apologizes.

Anya slowly walks toward them, wincing as she puts weight on her bad foot while Alex and the boys followed close behind.

Erick notices them moving closer. "I said back off!" he glared at them but mostly at Moira. Everyone stayed put and continue to watch the scene in front of them.

"You," He glares at Moira "You did this." He seethe, using his powers to pull her dog-tags back making it tighten around her neck.

Charles gasped at the sight "Please! She didn't do this Erik, you did." He tells him.

Erick sighs and let's go of Moira, turning back to Charles "Us turning on each other." He tells him "It's what they want. I tried to warn you Charles. I want you by my side, we're brothers, you and I. All of us together, protecting each other. We want the same thing."

Charles looks at him and chuckles. "Oh, my friend. I'm sorry, but we do not."

Erick was stunned by his answer and look away, signaling his hands to allow Moira to come. When Moira rush down to Charles, Erick stands up and face the rest of the mutants on the beach.

"Their society won't accept us," He says to them as he walks forward "We form our own, the humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours. Who's with me?"

No one moved so Erick hold his hand out toward Raven "No more hiding." He nods at her.

She walks towards Charles and kneels down to speak to him and after the quick conversation, Raven stands back up to join Erick's side.

Angel, Azazel and Riptide who was at the background the whole time, also walks towards Erick to join his team.

Ericks eyes turns to Anya making her swallow as she slowly lowers her eyes to look at the ground. She could never think of joining something like that, she never even thought she was capable of joining this small team let alone Ericks plan. Plus she could never do anything to hurt anyone unless necessary so she could never think of joining his team, ever.

"And Beast," Raven speaks up making her look back up to see her staring at Hank "Never forget, mutant and proud." She quotes before Azazel teleports them away.

Everyone then rushes down to Charles who's currently in so much pain.

"Professor." Anya breathes out with her hands still wrap around her wounded arm.

Hank went to lift him up but stop when he cries in pain "Wait. don't Charles," Hank tells him "Charles, don't move, okay?"

"I won't," he replies out of breath "Actually... I can't... I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs."

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now