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The remaining five was forced to leave the room and was placed outside the half destroyed building by a swat team where they can sit on the benches to wait for further instructions. Anya sat in between Sean and Alex in one bench while Raven and Hank sat in the other.

Anya kept her hands inside the sleeves of her jacket as they were slightly shaking from the events that had just happened. Still slightly traumatized from earlier, she kept her head down and her eyes to her boots.

Her legs uncontrollably bounces up and down making her sigh at the habit as she holds her knee down with her hand.

"You alright?" Alex ask noticing the girls uncomfortable state as she was sitting close beside him.

"Yeah," She breathes out "It's just a habit I do when I'm nervous, I can't keep still." She explains embarrassed about it.

"Yeah, I totally get it." He replies softly looking at the shaken up girl.

"Do you think they'll send us back?" She asks "I mean I didn't expect to be free after all this but I still kinda hope that I wouldn't have to go back there for another five years." She states making Alex frown slightly at her words.

He was curious about a lot of things about her but decided to wait till she tells them her own story instead of asking, but hearing her say those words made him realize that they kinda have that situation in common and it just dawned upon him the realization that she might be right. What if they do send them back?

"I don't know." Was all he said sad by the fact that this might be his last day of freedom. They both went back to silence, unaware of the boy sitting next to them who has heard their conversation.

The sound of a car screeching made the team look up to see Charles, Moira and Erik walking over to them in a hurry.

"Raven!" Charles shouts rushing over to hug her as Moira and Erik catches up.

Erik takes a look at everyone till his eyes landed on Anya "Hey, are you okay?" he ask scanning her.

"Yeah." She breathes out in reply nodding her head slowly.

Upon releasing the hug Charles went to scan all of us "We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately." He says looking at each of them seriously, making Anya's heart drop.

"We're not going home." Sean speaks up making everyone turn to him "And they're not going back to prison." He states sternly referring to Alex and Anya who was sitting beside him.

"He killed Darwin." Alex speaks up.

"All the more reason for you to leave, this is over." He states as Anya furrows her eyebrows.

"You promised you'd help us and asked me to trust you and now you're sending us back?" Anya says looking at him while he stares at her remembering that he did promised those brown eyes to help.

"Darwin's dead and we can't even bury him." Raven reasons.

"We can avenge him." Erik suddenly speaks up looking at Raven making Charles turn to him confused.

"Erik, a word please." He asks then proceeds to walk away with Erik following him.

They talked for a minute before returning back to them "We'll have to train." He says looking at all of them "All of us yeah?" He asks as everyone nod in agreement.

"We can't stay here even if they reopen the department, it's not safe." Hank says "We've got nowhere to go." He realizes.

"Yes we do." Charles corrects him making Raven start to smile.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now