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The boys held a memorial service for Anya. They couldn't retrieve her body and they were upset about it cause they just wanted to see her one more time, but sadly it wasn't possible. It was just Charles, Hank and Alex in the garden where they built her cenotaph. They just want to do something in her honor. They also add one for Sean since they discovered he died the same way she did.

Hank helped Alex cleaned out her room the day after cause even though they both don't always agree together, they were both her closest friends. They both carefully packed her things so it could be kept properly and in the process, Hank found two letters in her vanity drawer. One was written for Charles and the other was for Alex. He decided to hand it to them later on before bed just so they could both read it in private without any disturbance.

When they both  finished emptying her room, Alex immediately moved in his things. He was staying in the mansion for a little while, just before he could permanently move back into the apartment. He wanted to move into her room to soak up what's left of her for the last time and Charles understands that so he granted his wish.


After sunset, Hank went to Charles room and hand him the letter together with his dinner. Charles was surprised to see it and Hank told him that he found it in her room. Hank gave him privacy in his own room and as soon as the door closes, Charles takes a deep breath before opening the envelope.

Dear Charles,

I don't know how to thank you for everything you have done for me. You saved my life when you got me out of prison. I never would have imagine a life like the one you have granted me. You made me feel normal when the world wouldn't let me. You made me meet good people that I will forever call my family, and for that.... I owe you my life. So I will fight this war with you for the world and for my new found family. I wrote this letter for when I might not survive. So if you have this then I might have not survive this fight, but if you didn't? Then I'm glad we could still go on with life together. Anyways this is all, thank you for everything.

Anya Sawyers

When he was done, Charles realized she wrote this letter before the fight in Cuba. She wasn't able to give it to him cause she survived, but sadly... She didn't survive this one. Charles can't help but let the tears fall down his face of the small weak girl he use to be so protective over, she grew into a strong woman like he predicted and he is never more proud. She will always have a place in all of their hearts even when she's gone. She Anya Sawyers, will always be a hero to them.


Hank went to Alex in the kitchen who was just finishing up his dishes and hands him the letter.

"I found it in her vanity drawer." He spoke softly.

Alex looks down at the off-white envelope in his hand and his breath stops. Hank looks at him sadly and placed it into his hand when he didn't move.

"I'm sorry Alex, I know she meant so much to you. If only I had known cause then I would do anything to find her before anything." He says sadly.

"You couldn't have." He finally speaks "Thank you Hank." He looks to him.

"For what?" He ask furrowing his eyebrows.

"For everything, for being there for her when I wasn't." He tells him.

"You're welcome," He smiles softly "I'll go to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow." He says before walking out the kitchen and leaving Alex to himself.

Alex takes deep breath and slowly exhale as he gently opens the envelope. Seeing her handwriting again after her last letter made Alex close his eyes for a second to think about what it will do to him when he's done reading.

He reads the date and immediately knew that this was before Cuba. He didn't know if that made it easier or more worse for him but nonetheless he still needed t read it for the sake of closure.

Dear Alex,

When we first met, I didn't know where either of our lives will end up. We were both from prison and I only assumed that we both hadn't got a clue where this whole thing was gonna go. Apparently it led to fighting in a war, funny huh? But before all that, we had moments together that I never thought I could experience. Along with the team, you help me experience a normal life when I believe I never could. You even made me feel something beautiful when we're both together and I love you for that. Infact, I do love you for that. The reason for this letter is... I'll make it simple, I believe that there's a chance I won't survive this fight against the bad so I did this to make sure I won't leave this world without telling what you have done for me or to me. It may be just me who feels this way but I still wanted to tell you. Always remember you're a great person Alex, you deserve the life you want, even if that life did or didn't include me. We both had a past that is hard to get over but we help each other leave that life behind to continue a new one. I hope you never have to read this letter cause I like to create more memories and with you.

Love, Anya

It pained Alex to put the letter down, wanting more of her words. He struggled to see through the tears, but he didn't have to see anymore when every word was printed in his brain like a painful constant reminder.

"I hope you never have to read this letter cause I like to create more memories and with you."

Her voice in his head running again and again like torture. He did, he read the letter like she hoped he never could. It even hurt more when he imagine her teenage self writing this when they were still young. They were just kids, already placed to fight in a war.

Even through all the pain, what weirded him out was when his brain decided to highlight one part of the letter like she was telling him right there.

"Always remember you're a great person Alex, you deserve the life you want, even if that life did or didn't include me."

Alex slowly took in the words. Even when he believes he never could, Alex we'll try and do as she wishes and it's to live a life not just for her but for the both of them and for their child.

Unedited (not proofread)

Another unedited, sorry bout that, I just wanted you guys to have the new chapter.


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