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Anya looks down from the tree branch she's currently sitting on and found Alex looking up at her while rubbing his eyes like he just got out of bed.

"Hey," She gives him a small smile before jumping down.

He widens his eyes at how high the jump was but shakes it off when she straightens herself.

"What are you doing up?" She asks.

"I uh... I woke up and I couldn't fall back to sleep anymore." He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Well at least you were able to sleep." She sighs, wrapping her arms over each other as they both begin to walk.

"Are you okay?" He ask turning to her.

"Yeah," She shrugs "Just nervous for tomorrow that's all." She tells him, kicking a small pebble in the way.

"Yeah well I'm pretty sure Charles won't let anything happen to us." He tries to reassures her.

"That's not what I'm worried about." She says "What if we mess up or what if I mess up and ruin the whole mission." She furrows her eyebrows.

"Well if that's what you're worried about then I'm pretty sure you'll be alright." He replies looking forward.

"How?" She ask turning to him.

"I've seen what you can do and if something ever happens just know that no ordinary person would ever put themselves out there to save the world." He turns back to her.

"So that makes yourself more braver then you know and no mistake you'll make out there can't compare to the fact that you tried."

They both slow down their steps till they both stop and stare at each other.

"You think so?" She ask softly.

"Yeah." He breathes out as he stares at one of the most mesmerizing eyes his eyes has ever lay on.

Clearing her throat, Anya breaks their stare and  turn to look back forward while Alex did the same, scratching the back of his neck as he looks up in the sky.

"Well, we don't really have much of a choice anyway seeing that it's either saving the world or prison." She chuckles making him look down and chuckle too.

"Funny huh." She smiles.

"Well at least you weren't treated like a guinea pig in the last few days." He tells her.

"What?" She turns to him.

"Charles let's me use my powers in training then silently behind him is Hank writing down what he sees on his checkboard like I'm some stupid experiment." He complains making her laugh at him.

"What's so funny huh?" He smiles bumping her shoulders with his.

"Hate to break it to you pal but we're both the ones being experimented here." She tells him with a smile.

They both arrived back again at the door of the mansion and Anya furrows her eyebrows while she looks down and think.

"Why do I have the feeling that you went out here just to get me." She tells him making him form his lips into a line as he takes a step to turn his whole body towards her.

"For your information, I didn't lie." He says "I really couldn't go back to sleep so I went to check on you and when I saw your bed empty I just couldn't leave you alone all night, especially with the thing we have tomorrow." He explains.

"You went to check on me huh?" She smirks looking up at him.

"Yeah I did." He nods proudly making her chuckle.

"Well thank you," She smiles "I appreciate it."

"You should go to bed then too." She tells him.

"I will," He says "As soon as you get your ass back to sleep." He reach his hand to her head and mess up her hair.

"Hey!" Anya laughs as she fixes her hair.

"Get going." Alex reminds her.

"I'm going." She chuckles "Goodnight Summers."

She steps forward, putting her hands on his shoulder as she tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

"And thank you." She whispers before stepping back and walking past him to go inside.

Alex stayed frozen for a minute, before standing up straight and looking back widening his eyes to see her already gone.

He smiles, feeling his face where she kissed him and he looks down, smiling about what just happened.

Maybe, maybe then he realizes that he's falling for Anya Sawyers. No, cause he already did fall for her and nothing she can do can stop him from feeling otherwise.


Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now