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At the end of the war in 1973, Alex, along with a bunch of his mutant army friends was waiting in a Vietnam airfield barracks to be shipped back to America.

Alex hadn't had any contact with Anya since they separated but like he was told by his commander, he only hoped and pray she was already safe and back home like the rest of the mutant nurses.

He sent her letters when they split up but ever since he never received one back, he was constantly overthinking if she was okay or not.

He weirdly feels seventy percent relieved that he was gonna see her and the other thirty percent was fear of it all being a lie. There's just something about the way his commander told him that 'every' mutant was okay and being sent home.

A couple of guys went inside their tent as they were waiting and he and the other mutants watches suspiciously as they prepare little bottles of liquid and injections on the table.

Another guy went in and carefully look at all of them before immediately walking to the table but not without winking at Alec when he passed him making him furrow his eyebrows at the weird action.

"What is this?" The guy ask "Where are they going?" they hear him ask them.

"They're all getting shipped back." The private answers.

"What are those for?" One of them suddenly asks in suspicion.

"Just to make the ride a little smoother." The private replied "Transferring you to a more private facility where we can run some few more tests."

The guy who just walked in, walks to the private "You're men are not military." He ask in concern.

The private turn to him and show him a paper "Private." He tells him.

"This troops are going home."  He replies.

He furrow his eyebrows at him "I don't believe you have jurisdiction in the matter."

"I'm afraid I do son." He replies before completely transforming into mystique.

The private widened his eyes and before he could do anything, Raven grab him and use him as support as she kicks the other guys who was coming after her.

She throws him in the floor and fights every single one of them together with the help the mutants including Alec who shot the last man standing with his powers.

"Let's move out!" She tells them.

"Where's Eric?" Alex asks in confusion.

"I'm on my own now." She replies as she pass him to lead them all out of the tent.

"Wait." He pulls her arm back making her stop and look at him.

"What?" She asks.

"Anya," He breathes out "She got enlisted as a combat medic and we got separated a couple months ago." He tells her as she looks at him with a knowing look.

"Have you heard from her? Please tell me that you have." He tells her with worry as she looks at him softly at how concern he was for the girl she once called her sister.

"Look Alex, you asked me if I had heard from her and the answer is yes." She say making Alex sigh in relief "I couldn't have saved you and the other mutants if it wasn't for her." She tells him.

He furrows his eyebrows at her "What do you mean?" He ask.

"She was the first to know about Trask taking mutants from the military. She was able to notify me about the situation just in time for me to save you." She tells him.

"How was she able to get that information?" He ask.

Raven looks down and sigh making Alex furrow his eyebrows at her as he began to, worry "Raven how?" He ask sternly.

She looks back up at him "She was in the first base Trask has taken mutants from." She reveals making Alex look back at her in shock his heart dropping at the info.

"Listen," She tells him before he could say a word about the matter "She was able to escape unlike the other nurses but when she called me the second time, she sounded like she was in danger."

"What kind of danger." He asks Stepping closer to her.

"I don't know, but she mentioned that she didn't know where she was and that this might be the last time I could ever hear from her. It was a quick call and in our talk she only prioritized the topic of me getting to you before Trask could." She continues.

"Raven..." He breathes out looking down.

"My first thought was to save her but she let me promise her to save you instead and keep you safe from Trask so that's what I'm doing and if we don't hurry, I won't be able to complete her dying wish-"

"She's not dead." He cuts her off, looking back  up as she looks at him in sympathy.

"Alex..." She trails off.

"Look from what I got in your story, she could still be alive." He looks at her with hope in his eyes "You never said she died." He tells her.

"I didn't." She nods.

"Maybe I could-"

"Look, here's what I'm gonna do for you."She cuts him off "I'm going to find out where she is okay? You go back home where it's safe and I'll sneak in to see where they put her." She tells him.

"Thanks Raven." He smiles softly.

"Yeah." She nods "Now go back home Havok, I'm not gonna fail Anyas orders." She tells him pointing outside.

Alex smiled at the thought of Anya coming home. There was a point where he almost believe she was gone but he just couldn't. While he was on the plane back, his mind went back to his promise to her where he will grant her wish and marry her. He sigh in relief of the thought that both of them survived the dangers they've been always placed on. The fight of their lives is over and now they could finally raise a family together.

Unedited (not proofread)

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now