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Love has never been a very prominent
thing in Alex Summers life. It was
like he was banned from it and no matter how he tried, he was always left alone. It seemed as though prison was the perfect way to show that it was true, but it wasn't until Anya Sawyers that he believed he might be wrong.

Now he one-hundred percent believes that love can exist for him. It was proven back then and it will always continue to be true now. He will forever be loved by Anya and he will always love her back, even after all that has happened.

Trask had been destroyed for over three weeks now, and mutants were slowly rebuilding theirselves from the fight they've been through.

Instead of Anya coming home with Alex to start the most joyful days of their life. He had to stare at a small envelope. Her last words to him. It wasn't until Trask was stopped that he found out.

He sometimes read the letter, scanning her hand writing with his fingertips. There are a few phrases that stick out to him the most.

"I did my best to survive, not for me, but for you and most importantly for our supposedly soon to be family."

Instead of being woken up by her arrival, he was woken up to a call from Charles and the sound of his voice made him rush to the mansion without second thought.

He remember arriving and being greeted with the sight of the sad faces of Charles and Hank. His gut fell at the sight. They didn't smile, they didn't do anything but tell him one thing.

"I'm sorry Alex. Anya was found in one of the autopsy reports, she was tortured to death with experiments. I'm really sorry but we're too late."

Instead of him preparing their home for the soon coming baby. He had to sit on his bed and think, think about what he had lost.

He made a promise to Anya in the war. A promise that they would be happy together, that he would marry her. A promise that he would love only her forever. But he broke that promise cause he doesn't only love her, but also hers and his little Angel.

Their never born daughter who he believe has her mother's black hair and his light eyes. A person who's supposed to remind him every day of the woman he first fell in love with. He will always love his two girls forever until the day he dies.


Dear Alex,

Sorry for the crooked handwriting, it's hard to write thinking this will be the last words I'll be telling the love of my life. I did my best to survive, not for me, but for you and most importantly for our supposedly soon to be family. From the army base, I ran through minefields and forests with only my mist to hide me from any roaming danger. I almost didn't escape the hands of Trask, but when I did, the first thing on my mind is to make sure you do too. I miraculously reached the city all while carrying our little angel in my tummy. I fought my way to make sure I send someone to get you and my luck landed on Raven. I needed to inform someone of what I escaped from and somehow she was the one I was able to contact. I thought going home was the only thing left to do, but I was found by Trask's men and was sent to his industry in a blink. I know what they'll do to me Alex, I've seen what they did to the mutants that are still alive and I've seen the results in the mutants who are dead. I wish I was careful enough not to get caught, I only ever wanted to get home to you my love. Apparently it has come to this and it's alright, cause right now I'm only feeling thankful. Thankful for the chance I was given. Thankful for the life I get to experience. Thankful for the life I have with you. I want you to go on with your life Alex, find a new path, create a future, be with a family (remember family isn't always blood, stay with Charles perhaps?) Find a girl who will love you, find someone to take care of you like what I would do if I was alive. Don't let us stop you from living, live a life Alex, live a life for the both of us. They did a full check up on me before my first experimental test and I found out that she's a girl, a girl Alex. It may be weird but I have a feeling she has your features with my hair, I know she is beautiful. She definitely is a daddy's girl. I can't tell you much anymore cause they're coming for me, it sucks cause this is the last thing I could tell you and I wish I had more time to write. I have a friend here who can send this letter straight to you, I don't know when you'll get it, but I know I'll be gone when you do. This is it Alex, I love you pretty boy, my love, my life.

You're girls Anya and Angel Summers.

Unedited (not proofread)

This is sad, I'm sorry Ya'll.

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