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Not an hour passed and things got slightly out of hand for the team of mutants. Anya distanced herself a bit when everyone suddenly got crazy. First, everyone was sitting down in a calm manner and the next thing you know, Hank is hanging upside down from the chandelier with Angel flying around him.

Darwin turned his skin into hard scales while Sean and Alex smashes some chairs on his back to test if it was strong. It was. Then Raven was dancing along with the music on the couch making it the reason Anya transferred to another chair for safety purposes.

Anya was scared and amused at the same time for the people around her. She never tried experiencing being a teenager ever in her life and having friends was a chance never given to her growing up, so watching them have fun made her think that she would probably enjoy this if she had a normal childhood.

Watching Sean smash another chair on Darwin, Anya widens her eyes when a big piece of the wood came flying straight for her making her duck seconds before the piece could hit her.

"Watch out!" Alex yelled as the broken piece of wood hits the wall behind Anya.

Sean cringes when Anya's head pops back up, shock that he could've possibly hit her in the head if she hadn't had quick reflexes.

"Sorry?" he mouths as Anya raise a brow at him.

As Anya went back to sit up on her chair Sean went back to smashing chairs while Alex walks up to her "Thanks for the heads up but you're a second too late." Anya speaks quietly making Alex chuckle.

"You're welcome anyways." He smiles at her before going back to Sean and Darwin while Anya rolls her eyes at the boys.

"What the hell!?"

Everyone suddenly turned their heads to the window where Erik, Charles and Moira stood with shock written in their faces. Anya widens her eyes then immediately stood up from her seat, in their presence.

"What are you doing!?" Moira walks up to them and place her hands on her hips "And who destroyed the statue?" She asks.

"Alex." Hank admits.

"No it's Havok, we have to call him Havok. It's his name now." Raven corrects walking forward "And we're thinking you should be called Professor X and you Magneto." she points at Charles then at Erik.

"Exceptional." Erik says not so happily and everyone knows that the name isn't what he refered to when he said that.

Erik scoffs at them and leave with Moira right behind him. Charles looks at all of them then at Raven "I expected more from you." he points to her making her frown before he leaves as well.

Then after a few minutes an agent came in to transfer them in another room. It was almost exactly like the last one but with a few changes added or taken out. Everyone made themselves comfortable around the room being less chaotic then last time.

It's been a couple of minutes and Anya found herself walking over to Alex and Darwin who was playing a game just behind the couches.

"I've had a lot of spare time." Alex says to Darwin when he lost the game.

"Hey, wanna play?" Alex says when he notice Anya walking up to them.

"I don't really know how?" Anya says as she stares to see what kind of game it was.

"It's not hard to learn." Alex replies.

"Yeah, but it's hard to win." Darwin chuckles moving out so Anya could play.

"Here let me show you." Alex says as he goes to restart the game but as soon as Anya went to play, they were distracted by a voice.

"Woah, I didn't know the circus was in town!"

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now