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After driving for a few hours, they finally arrive at the government building that the CIA provided for the new secret division they're currently working on.

Charles parks the car just in front and turn to look at the two new recruits at the backseat "Stay in the car." was all he said before turning around and getting out the car with Erik.

Alex was the only one they were talking to since Anya fell asleep halfway through the car ride by leaning her head against the window. Both alone in the car, Alex turn to look at Anya to his left.

He watches as her head was leaning against the window to her hands that was curled up in a fist on her lap, he can't help but stare at the dark marks on her wrist making him wonder what she did to end up prison. It was obvious they didn't give her the same care they gave him cause she look like she was handled roughly.

He decided to wake her up, since they've already arrive. Reaching his hand, he went to grab her shoulders and gently shake it. Anya shot her eyes open and quietly gasp, suddenly looking around in shock.

"Woah are you okay?" Alex ask quietly at her shocken state.

She looks to him then relax her shoulders at the sight of the boy "Yeah," she swallows, shutting her eyes as she lays back sighing "Sorry." she quietly mutters, looking down.

"It's okay." he replies back, then muttering something about not needing to apologize as he stares back out the window.

Looking around, Anya realizes it was just the two of them in the car "Where are they?" she asks quietly.

Alex turns to her and motion his head to the back. Anya turns around to see outside the back window that Charles and Erik was talking behind the car.

"They told us to stay in the car." He explains, as the two of them sits back again to face the front. "Do you think it's about us?" He ask.

Anya turns to him "I don't know?" she replies quietly, then suddenly the doors in the front suddenly opens revealing Charles who put his head in.

"Let's go." He says motioning his head out before going back out and closing the door.

Alex opens his door and started climbing out while Anya's door was being opened by Erik, he reaches out his hand for her to take but she ignored it and climb out herself not being comfortable with people just yet.

She has her guard up not knowing for sure who this people are and why they really decide to get her out of prison where she felt more safe then anywhere else.

Walking up inside the building with the two unknown men, Anya looked back to the car but found it already driven away by someone, making her wonder who really are this people.

She look up for a brief moment to see the afternoon sky fading to night, she watches in awe at how pretty it looks. She misses seeing the beauty of nature and after being locked up for four years she's determined to remember what the sky looks like incase she gets sent back in prison again.

Passing the door they were greeted by a woman who Charles mentioned was a detective named Moira. She looks at Alex and Anya with a smile before turning back and leading the four to some hallways.

"Moira, why don't youand Erik lead Alex to the room with the others and me and Anya will just follow you after we talk yeah?" Charles speaks up making everyone stop.

"Sure." She smiles before leading Alex away, Alex gave a quick glance back at Anya before finally dissapearing through the hallways.

Charles turns to Anya and smile "I know you're very much confuse about all this so I'm here to explain." he speaks making Anya nod "We brought you here from prison because we are recruiting some mutants like you to help us fight against some bad people." he explains.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now