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Epilogue... Sort of?

Alex proceeded to live the life Anya wants for him. He followed her wishes with the exception of one thing. He never found a new lover and he never will. He may promise to try and move on, but even if he tried, he couldn't find another.

When Alex's younger brother Scott Summers manifested his mutant powers, despite not wanting to go back to the mansion after years. Alex he took him to the one and only Xavier's School.

It brought painful memories to just see the place and walking in it didn't made it any better. Scott knew the story of the brave and loved girl, so he made it his goal to make it into the school if it means bringing Alex back to his past.

Alex met Charles for the first time in years, and with just the look of each others faces, they both knew what the other mind was thinking about. Or who they were thinking about. Their presence just reminded them of her.

Alex introduced Scott to him and when training to examine Scott's abilities, Xavier has Alex line him up so he can hit the target across the lake.

However, Scott ends up destroying a tree that was apparently very special to Charles, but even after that, Xavier enrolled Scott into the school anyway.

Later, Alex accompanied Xavier to consult Moira MacTaggert in the CIA. Charles told him he didn't have to, knowing that even by being back is hard for him but Alex somehow insisted.

If he couldn't grant her wishes to find a new lover then this was the least he could do. Or the most.

When Xavier used Cerebro to locate Magneto En Sabah Nur used his telepathy to hack the machine and take over Charles. Charles then orders Alex to destroy Cerebro and "reap havoc".

Alex tried to stop En Sabah Nur from taking Charles, but he accidentally caused a blast that destroyed the mansion.

When the explosion was inches away from Alex, he heard voices behind him. When he turned his head back slightly, he caught two figures right there beside him talking to each other as the world around him freezes and everyone but him suddenly dissappears.

"Is it your anxiety?"

"Yeah probably."

He immediately figured out that it was him and Anya when they were still both young.

"Charles mentioned it to me."

He watch as his past self sighed. This was a flashback, he realized.

"You should really tell me this things Anya, stop pulling yourself away when you begin to feel like it's a little too much for you." He tells her.

"I know," Past Anya looks down "You deserve to know and I keep hiding myself from you all, I'm sorry." She apologizes making Alex tear up at the sight.

"I'm here for a reason, what point is me being here when I can't even help you." Past Alex reaches his hand to her chin and lifts it up so she could see him "Whenever you feel like something is wrong, come to me cause I'll always be there for you." He tells her.

"I love you Alex." She breathes out with love in her eyes, making past Alex shock.

Present Alex immediately remembered the moment. It was the first time any of them had said the words "I love you" to each other and they both looked like they have never been more sure of anything in their whole little life.

It surprised him more that the place where he's standing is the same place they were, except it wasn't in an underconstruction part of the mansion anymore. It was now fully built  for the cerebro.

"I love you more Anya Sawyers." Past Alex admits and smiles happily before he goes in for a kiss.

Then the two figures faded out till it dissappeard leaving Alex alone to his thoughts. Then and there, right in his dying moment, Alex knew he was ready to see the love of his life. A tear fell from his eye while his mouth broke into a soft smile.

"I'm ready Anya." He whispers "Let's see each other again." He smiles as the tears freely flow down his face.

Everything moved in slow motion when he shuts his eyes and just like that, the explosion had hit him and there was no hope of ever bringing him back to life.

The flashback happened way before Peter stepped foot in the building so while Quicksilver was able to get everyone to safety Alex being closest to the blast was incinerated.

Scott mourned his brothers death and claimed it should have been him who should have died, however, it wasn't true.

Cause like Alex said, he was ready.

Unedited (not proofread)

Hey guys... This is it. It's the end of the story.

Thank you for reading this book, I only ever made it cause I had an idea in my head and I needed to write it down.

Now it's growing and slowly getting reads.

This is the first book I ever completed and even though it's not fully cleaned from mistakes, I'm still proud of it.

Anyways that is all, thanks again for reading. Please vote and comment.

I love ya'll byeee...


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