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Hank and Alex has disappeared to wherever Azazel teleported them and Riptide was knocked down by Alex and was hold down by the sumbarines door that Eric use to flatten him, Angel dissappeard too and the only one left out in the beach was Raven, Anya, Charles and Moira.

Charles was busy with helping Eric through his mind while Moira was caught up with the radios in the jet as she tries to get them to work, and that leaves Raven and Anya who was guarding the entrance from the inside of the jet.

Anya spot Riptide crawling out of the metal doors and she immediately walks to Charles to warn him.

"Riptide is waking up out there, I need to keep him away." She tells him.

Charles stares at her for a moment "Are you sure?" He asks eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Yes," She sighs "This is what I was training for is it not?" She tells him, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay fine." He breathes out "Be careful." He grabs her shoulder then releases it after.

She gives him one last nod then begins making her way out towards the waking monster.

Riptide looks up and sees Anya looking at him couple of steps away with a blank face and furrowed eyebrows.

He scoffs at her "This will be easy." He say as he scans her up and down, mocking her size.

She reach her hands out and mist suddenly surrounds them making it impossible for him to see anything clear. She covers them in a fog in order to make it hard for him to target her with his powers.

He begins to take slow steps forward further into the mist when he  suddenly feels something rush past behind him making him whip his body around, but just as he did he felt something punch his face to the left then back again to the right, then back and forth a couple of times until he was able to push them away from him.

Then before he could recover, a hard impact hits him on his chest making him fly backwards and land harshly on his back in the sand.

Before he could stand up, a weight on his chest prevented him from moving until the weight dissappeard and came back again ten times stronger unto his stomach. Anya had jump on him.

He gets furious and scramble up to his feet, his hands are already conjuring up his powers making it suck up all the mist around them into his tornado.

He spots Anya to his left without the mist completely faded away yet and he immediately throws his tornado her way making her fly back harshly till she landed on a huge broken piece of metal near the water.

Anya grunts as she landed on a sharp pile of metal receiving a scratch on her arm from one of the metal corners. The cut was deep enough to tear her suit and slash her skin but that didn't stop her yet.

She wasted no time standing back up to fight him again. When she steps out of the metal, she found him already there in front of her with blood on his lips from when she punched him.

She begins walking backwards to get away from him but immediately stop when she notice her feet was already in the water.

He walks to her and grabs her neck lifting her up into the air where her feet couldn't touch the  water.

"Curse you stupid height." She grunts out making him smirk.

She swings her body to kick him on the stomach making him release his grip resulting in both of them dropping back. She fell back into the water, completely soaking her up as Riptide fell back into the sand.

She didn't even notice her hair unraveling from its braid as she continues to fight. He immediately rushes over to her as she was still standing up and he quickly wraps his arm around her neck from behind to choke her.

Struggling for air, she tries to pries his arms off of her but due to his strength and the size of his body all she did was made him laugh.

"little girls like you, shouldn't be out here on the battlefield darlin." He taunts making her extremely angry.

As he was about to dunk her head into the water to attempt to drown her, she uses all her strength to throw him over  her shoulder and into the water where she immediately went for his neck, drowning him as the waves splash onto her face.

Seeing as he was still fighting against her underneath the water, she punched him so hard to finally knock him out. She moaned in pain at how her hand ache but she didn't waste a minute and began dragging his body out of the water into the shore where she dropped him.

Walking towards the jet, she found Alex and Sean crash into the sand a couple of feet away from her so she runs towards them, almost tripping at the broken pieces of the submarine.

"Alex! Sean!" She shouts as she rushes towards them.

"Anya!" They both yell.

Before they could say another word they all spotted Angel flying towards them. Alex sits up and immediately fire his rings towards her, burning her wing and making her struggle to fly before she crash into the sand.

We all look at each other and Sean begins to laugh while Anya smiles at them both.

Anya caught a sight of the missing plate in Alex chest and she widens her eyes "Woah are you okay?" She asks.

He looks down to where she's looking and chuckles "Yeah, Angel kinda burned it off me."

"And she burned one of my wings too." Sean pouts making her laugh.

"Woah! Are you okay?" He repeats her question as he stares at the huge slash on her arm near her shoulder "You're soaking wet." He adds.

"Yeah." She shrugs with a smile "I can't believe I did it." She chuckles happily.

"Did what?" Sean ask confuse of her soaking state.

"Did that." She points behind them to the body on the shore.

They look back at her shock with small smiles on their faces "Awesome." Sean chuckles.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now