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A few months after Cuba, the remaining team has been participating on making Charles idea come true. Anya had also help but not in the way the boys had since she had decided she wanted to go to school to study to be a nurse.

Everyone thought it was great that she wanted to go to school and they fully supported the plan. Especially Charles who was ecstatic for the once shy and broken young girl who finally decided to grip the steering wheel of her life after riding in the backseat for so long.

He enrolled her to a school just nearby and she diligently did very well, even after the fact that she had little to no time to study since she has been helping with the mansion in every way she can.

Alex has always been there for her, sending her lunch, waking her up for school, even fetching her and walking her back home.

Hank has also been helping tutoring her when he had the time, and Sean volunteering to be her injection dummy when she needed one.

In return Anya has been incharge in the kitchen with her surprisingly good talent in cooking. She cooks them all breakfast and dinner. On birthdays, she could whip up a whole fancy meal out of scratch and the boys didn't need to ask cause she enjoys cooking like it was a game.

Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted has finally opened in 1965 with Alex, Sean and Anya as it's first students.

Anya graduated nursing school when the Xavier School started its second year, therefore she immediately joins in on the classes together with Alex and Sean.

It was going good until the year 1968 where a war broke off. Xavier's school was shut down when most of the faculty and students were drafted to fight in Vietnam, and that included Alex and Anya.

Sean had decided to leave to find his family so as the school was closed down for awhile, it had left Hank and Charles alone in the mansion.

Alex was drafted to fight in the military while Anya was recruited as a combat medic. One good thing about all of this is that they were both stationed together, so they left at the same time and haven't been separated since.


In Vietnam, the couple was inseparable. Unless you count the times they were separated due to each of them being constantly needed somewhere else and it also happens that both of them were best in their jobs so it was usually often.

She always writes this little letters to him before she leaves just incase she was needed for medical assistance someplace else and she couldn't get to him till maybe two or three days.

The first time Anya was transferred to another base with out anyone informing Alex, he was sleepless in the three days she was gone.

The night she got back, Alex thought he saw a ghost and run to tackle her making her gasp in shock. She went to look at Alex face and when she sees how distress he looked, she immediately knew that he hadn't know.

Now everytime Anya felt like she was gonna be gone, even for a little while, she would always write a letter to Alex stating where she might be and how she'll be alright without him.

She also makes sure to tell him to wait for her to come back cause she'll be giving him kisses when she does, just to keep his thoughts positive while she was away.

Even after all that, she was usually always with Alex in camp. They both would sneak to each other's bunk every night so they can cuddle each other to sleep.

Sometimes when they both have a free day, which was rare cause the other usually has work when the other didn't, they would spend the whole day together in each other's arms.

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