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"I di- I didn't mean to." Anya stutters.

A guy closes the door to their house slowly before turning around to his crying daughter who was standing behind him.

"What do you mean 'you didn't mean to Anya' ?" He quietly ask making Anya scared of his weirdly calm tone. He slowly kneels down in front of her and grips her shoulders all while keeping his head down.

"I- I didn't mean to, the- the car just fogged up and I- I didn't know why until I look down in my hands and see-"

"See what Anya?" He cuts her off making her cry even more.

"I'm sorry daddy." She cries harder.

"See what Anya!?" He shouts gripping her shoulders hard making her scared of her own father.

"Mommy told me to sta- stay calm and now she's gone." She cries harder making him more furious.

"This is your fault!" He screams shaking her harshly "You're the reason why she's dead!"

Anya screams as he shove her back making her small figure hit the wall behind her "Your mom and m- my wife. Gone! Dead!"

Anya runs to the kitchen as he chases her with pure anger "I should've gave you to the police as soon as me and your mom discovered your- you're a freak!"

He corners Anya in the kitchen and jumped, pushing her down to the floor with his heavy body holding her down.

"But no! She decided to keep loving you not knowing she was raising a monster!" He yells making her cry at his painful words. "She would've still been here." He cries.

"I'm sorry daddy." Anya begs "Please!" She cries.

He then reaches up at the kitchen counter to grab a knife that was left in the open and brings it down slowly to Anya "But no! I got a monster of a daughter to live instead." He shouts then brings the tip of the knife to her collar bone and slowly slice her perfect skin open making her scream from the top of her lungs.


Alex kicks a rock that was on the middle of his pathway, chuckling when it accidentally hits a frog making it hop away and hide into a bush.

It was the middle of the night and Alex decided to take a walk in the yard after having trouble sleeping. Even though he keeps telling himself that it wasn't his fault, he still seems to always picture images of Darwin holding his hands out to him before completely blowing up making it hard for him to shut his eyes to go to sleep.

Hearing a branch snap from in the trees, Alex freezes and looks behind him. Seeing nothing in plain sight he turns back around to see something drop in front of him making him take a step back and in fear, he accidentally stepped on his foot making him fall back on his butt.

Hearing a girly chuckle, he looks up only to be met by Anya looking down at him with a big smile on her face "What's up Summers." She smirks.

Alex sighs in relief that it was only her and not Shaw and his friends "You scared me." he breathes.

"Clearly." She states reaching her hand out to help him up. Alex takes her hand and she struggles to pull him up making him chuckle while standing up himself.

"Too heavy?" he ask dusting his hands and his pants.

"Yeah, you should lay off on those sandwiches big guy." She jokes as she starts to walk.

"Last time I remembered, you were the ones who likes his sandwiches." He replies walking right next to her "What are you doing here anyways?" He ask turning to her.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now