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It's been two days since Cuba and everyone, especially Charles was still healing from what happened.

They all arrive back in the mansion at noon and as soon as Hank finished bandaging Anya'a wounds, she was forced to rest in bed for the rest of the day.

She didn't wake up until the the next day at night, where Alex and Sean served her dinner with strict instructions from Hank to not let her leave the bed.

They both ate with her and talk about what the boys did the whole day while she was asleep, she was glad Charles was okay and healing and also quite sad at the fact that he couldn't walk again. As soon as she's finished, she immediately fell right back asleep from the medicine they gave her.

It was currently the next morning at five am and Anya decided to leave the bed before any of the boys could wake up and strap her down with a belt or something.

Anya silently rejoices when she step out of bed  and didn't feel any pain in her ankle. She takes few steps forward and smile when she realizes she can now walk and not stay in bed for another twenty four hours.

"I don't think you should be walking."

Anya jumps at the sudden voice then sigh when she realize who it belongs too "It's literally five am Summers." She says as she turns to look at him.

She saw him leaning in her door frame with his arms crossed over his chest and a big smile on his face. She smiles at the sight and begin to walk towards him with confidence.

"I see your foot has healed." He says, as he looks her up and down.

"Apparently that's what I've been trying to tell you guys yesterday." She says, as he reaches him in the doorway.

"Nah, yesterday you were a liar." He uncrosses his arms and stand up straight.

"And now?" She squints up at him.

"You're you." He smiles.

"Just me?" She smiles, inching closer to him.

"Not just you." He says tilting his head down to her face "You're Anya Sawyers." He whispers before grabbing her waist to kiss her deeply on the lips.

Besides being startled by the sudden action, Anya wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back with a smile on her face.

When their lips parted for some air, Alex rests his forehead against hers, smiling at the thought that Anya Sawyers was his.

"I've been wanting to do that since we arrived." He breathes out "You don't know how much patience I used, seeing you sleeping beautifully in your bed."

"I see you still like me after getting beaten up on the battlefield." She sarcasticly say.

"Come to think of it, I kinda like you a little less after seeing you with a bandage on your arm." He jokes making her chuckle.

They both stare at each others eyes until Alex looks away and cleared his throat "Look I know this kinda happened in the middle of... you know? Everything." He says.

"Uhh yeah..." Anya trails off not sure of where this was going.

"But I'm pretty sure I know what I want so I want to make this proper and official." He says looking down at her.

"Alex Summers? Proper and official? Never thought I'd see the day." She jokes.

"I'm serious." He chuckles.

"Okay," She smiles "Go on."

"Will you Anya Sawyers be my girlfriend?" He says, staring at her soft face as he nervously waits for an answer.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now