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The team arrive at the airbase, all ready and suited up. Anya had felt a little bit of confidence within her since she saw herself in the suit, she had all her hair braided in one side with a ribbon to make herself look cleaner and mostly to keep her hair out of the way.

And as ridiculous as it looks to Alex, he definitely would wear his suit everyday just so he could also see Anya in them. He found her quite attractive when he first saw her in the suit, it made something flash within his eyes.

"Where's Hank?" Raven speaks up.

"I'm here." A voice answers.

Everyone turned to the voice and sees a silhouette walking towards them with the sun making it hard to see who it was.

As they finally came into view, everyone immediately knew that it was Hank even when he didn't look like his old self and was now somehow transformed into a blue beastly creature.

They all stared at him in shock and surprise with a hint of confusion.

"Hank." Charles speaks up.

"It didn't attack the cells, it enhanced them." Hank says with his eyes turning to Raven.

"It didn't work" he simplifies, looking down at the statement.

"Yes it did Hank." Raven walks to him "Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be. This is you. No more hiding." She reaches up to cup his cheek with Hank leaning into her touch.

"Never looked better man." Erik cuts their moment and went to pat his arm.

Hank suddenly reach his arm out and grab Erik's neck and began chocking him. Erik gasp for air and Hank just stare as he growled at him.

"Don't mock me." Hank says through gritted teeth.

"Hank put him down immediately. Hank, Hank!" Charles shouts at him in worry with the rest of them staring in shock.

"I wasn't." Erik replies to Hank, gasping in between words.

"Even I got to admit you look pretty badass." Alex says, making Anya smiles at the compliment from Alex "I think I got a new name for you... Beast."

"You sure you can fly this thing?" Sean asked referring to the jet.

"Of course I can, I designed it" Hank answered  proudly as Anya looks at the jet, impressed.

They all board the jet with Hank going to the front to the control panels and the rest of them in the seats behind. Alex found himself in the only last seat available which was beside Anya so they both sat together as the jet begins to fly.

Anya looked out the window the whole time, feeling slightly relaxed at the feeling of flying. She always wondered how it was like to fly, how it feels like to be free up in the air while the world continues to be chaotic down below.

She took a deep breath and keep her mind on the clouds to calm her beating heart filled with nervousness as they all approach the battlefield.

They arrive at Cuba and Hank begins to bring them near the shores where they could see the ships from both sides at a standoff.

Anya starts scratching the thick cloth that was covering her thigh in nervousness and Alex seem to notice making him turn to her.

She looks to him and he raises his eyebrows to ask if she was okay. She gives him a tight lipped smile to say she was fine but he can see through her fake smile to see the anxiousness in her eyes.

So as soon as she looks back out the window, he slides his hand to hers and intertwine both of their fingers together making Anya take a deep breath at the feeling of calming down.

"Looks pretty messy out there" Hank speaks up as he states at the situation down in the water.

Charles put two fingers up to his temple, closing his eyes and after a few seconds he opened them again "The crew of the Aral Sea are all dead so Shaw's been there" He informs them.

"He's still here somewhere. " Erik adds.

"He's set the ship on course to the embargo line." Charles continues.

"If that ship crosses the line our boys are going to blow it up, and the war begins." Moira tells them.

"Unless they're not our boys." Charles speaks making everyone furrow their eyebrows.

The ship was almost reaching the embargo line and Charles put his fingers up to his temple again and closed his eyes in m concentration.

Suddenly a Soviet ship released a missile with a path towards the Aral Sea which was also the path the jet was in.

The missile was heading straight towards the jet with everyone inside widening their eyes at the multiple alarms that suddenly started blaring inside the plane.

Widening his eyes, Hank quickly turns the jet away and dodge the flying missile making the plane turn harshly.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Charles yells as the jet turns.

Anya yelps and went to grip her seat belt tightly in fear of flying off her seat, she felt hand on her thigh and she immediately knew it was Alex who's keeping her in place in her seat as everyone else also grabs what was near to hold them down.

Hank finally was able to stop the jet from going wild, making everyone fall back on their seat while the plane sways of the sudden break.

Anya lets out a deep breath, closing her eyes and leaning her head back in relief while Alex retracts his arm to fix himself.

"A little warning next time professor." Hank turns back to Charles.

"Sorry about that." Charles replies "Are you alright?" He then turns to the team who were still recovering from the unexpected tornado.

"Yeah." Sean said sounding like he just ran a marathon with his eyes still wide in shock.

"You can let go of the seat belt now Anya." Charles turns to Anya looking at her softly as she still has her hands gripping her seat belt like her life depended on it.

"I think I'll hang on to it for awhile." She answers making half of them chuckle.

"That was inspired Charles." Moira turns to him looking calm like she has experienced it before.

"Thank you very much but I still can't locate Shaw." He replies.

"He's down there, we need to find him now." Erik said.

"Hank is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?" Charles turns to Hank.

"No, there's nothing."

Charles looked down in thought and in disappointment.

"They must be underwater, and obviously we don't have sonar." Hank said.

It was silent for a moment until Sean speaks up "Yes we do." He smile as Charles face lit up.

"Yes we do." Charles repeats as he starts unbuckling his belt.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now