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It was the day of the mission and the team has just woken up to get themselves ready. Anya on the other hand didn't just wake up, she never slept due to the thought of this being her last night free or alive.

She wrote letters to Charles to thank him  for giving her a once and a lifetime opportunity to be out of prison, and for being one of the first person to be kind, gentle and understanding to her when no one ever did.

She also wrote to Alex about how she felt whenever she's around him and how she would want to have his presence with her in whatever future that was planned for them.

She chose to not give this to them if not necessary, but if death was showing itself in the battlefield with a strong gaze upon her, she then will do her best to get this letters to them. No matter the cost.


As soon as Alex finnish getting ready, he run to the gardens and took his time picking flowers to make it into something close of a bouquet.

He made sure to wake up an hour early just to do so and everything seems to be going as planned... until the unexpected presence of Charles at the doorway waiting for Alex to see him.

"Hello Alex." Charles speaks up with his morning voice.

"Professor." Alex exclaimed, surprise by him and also embarrassed by being caught holding a bunch of picked flowers from his garden.

"I was just-" He starts.

"No need to explain Alex," He cuts him off "I got it all in here." He taps his temple.

Alex raises his eyebrows "Oh um right." he looks to the side, embarrassed.

"Yes," He smiles "Well you should go now cause somethings tells me that she's awake already." He winks at him before turning around to walk inside, leaving the door open for him to follow.

Alex stands there taking it all in for a minute before blinking away his thoughts and walking inside to continue his journey.

He reaches Anya's door and hesitated to knock and just as he was about to doubt the whole thing, the door opened and he was face to face withe Anya herself.

She copies his reaction by widening her eyes in surprise, then she furrowed her eyebrows at why he was there standing behind her door early this morning.

"Hi." He smiles gripping the flowers behind his back rather harshly.

"Hey?" She gives him an unsure smile.

She poke her head out the doorway, being dangerously close to his face making him lean back to avoid their nose touching, she looks left and right to see if anyone else was in the hallway, then she grabs his jacket and drag him into her room, shutting the door behind him.

She looks him up and down and sigh in relief, and before he could say a word, she surprises him by engulfing him in a hug.

He widens his eyes being surprised again twice this day but he still, he relaxes into the hug and slowly wraps his arms around her with the bouquet still in his hand.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing, just nervous for today that's all." She pulls away and furrow her eyebrows at the crooked flowers in his hand.

"Um this was supposed to be for you." He says, scrunching his face at the state of the newly picked flowers.

"Is it still for me?" She ask half smiling.

"Maybe? Is giving beat up flowers to a lady offensive?" He ask making her chuckle as she pry the flowers off his tight closed hand.

"Geez Summers, did you wrestle this poor flowers?" She jokes making him chuckle.

She looks around for a vase and frown when there's none "I'm sorry but I'm just gonna have to place this here cause I don't have a vase." She said pointing to her bed.

"Don't be," He shook his head "I don't think they could still live after what I did to them anyways, but it's the thought that counts right?" He ask, smiling as he watch her place them in her bed.

"Definitely," She smiles turning back to him "Thank you." She smiles softly.

"You're welcome." He smiles back.

"So I have to go get ready." She says pointing back at her closet "I'll see you later yeah?" She asks.

"Oh sure, yeah." He nods.

"Okay thanks Alex." She says as she walks with him to her door.

Before she closes the door she pokes her head out and kisses him on the cheek "And thanks for the the flowers again." She smiles before fully closes the door.

"You're welcome." Alex breathes out as he finds himself staring at her door again. Alex chuckles to himself before walking to the kitchen for breakfast.


The team was on their way to the lab to find Hank but unfortunately, all they found was a letter stuck on the door that said...

Gone to airbase bring the crate marked X -Hank

Charles opens the door and lead the way in and they all widened their eyes at the state of the room.

None of them says a word as they continue to follow Charles to the middle of the lab to find the crate marked with an X.

"Hank has been busy." Erik speaks up as we all crowd around to look at the box.

Charles moved first to lift the top off to reveal a bunch of yellow and blue suits which they guess was for them.

"Do we really have to wear this?" Alex questions.

"As none of us are mutated to endure extreme G-force or being riddled by bullets I suggest we suit up." Charles answers him.

Each of them takes the suit that was labeled with their name and went along to get ready.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now