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"How was this hidden from me? I basically explored this whole place twice." Anya says as she, Charles, Alex and Raven are looking down at the swimming pool thats located at the side of the mansion.

"It was covered." Charles explain, pulling the tarp away from an old swimming pool.

"Now." Charles starts "let's start." He tells them, dusting his hands on his pants.

"Now Alex stand ten feet away from the pool." Charles tells him making Anya furrows her eyebrows.

"Wait what?" Alex whip his head to him.

"You didn't think I brought you here for nothing did you?" Charles says raising a brow at him.

"I thought she needed support?" He asks pointing at Anya as she raise a brow at him.

"This is gonna be fun." Raven smiles at both Alex and Anya.

"It's gonna be fine. If she tries hard enough, Anya can produce a thick amount of mist to dissaperate your energy power before it reaches her." Charles explain.

"Wait what!?" Alex exclaimed.

"Before it reaches who!?" Anya asks.

"Come on let's do it." Charles says pushing Alex away to his position ignoring their reactions "I just need to test the thickness" He adds.

"I'm gonna be needing that support Summers." Anya tells him as both Charles and Raven pulls him away.

As they reach the wanted amount of feet away from Anya, Raven gives Anya a two thumbs up which she forced a smile at her in return.

"Okay whenever you're ready dear boy." Charles pats Alex in the back.

"What if I kill her?" He turns to him in worry.

"I assure you, you will not." He smiles back.

Alex turns to Anya in front of him who has her hands out and ready, although he wasn't sure she was ready at all and neither is he.

"You might wanna step back." Alex tells Raven and Charles.

"Are you ready?" Alex asks Anya.

"Yeah?" She lies.

"Okay." Alex mutters then readys himself before moving his body in a circular motion.

Anya who was watching from afar widens her eyes when Alex started glowing. She starts sucking in the water from the pool and mist starts forming around her.

"Hey guys!" Sean walks up to them, startling Alex making him accidentally release a bunch of rings instead of one.

"Alex wait!" Charles shout but it was to late as it came flying towards the thick mist.

Anya widens her eyes when she saw not one, but four rings coming towards her in incredible speed making her jump back in fear. She screams, taking a couple steps back before falling directly into the cold pool where she miraculously dodge the four rings.

The mist starts disappearing and everyone including Sean was waiting to see if Anya had made it.

"Oh my gosh Charles you killed her!" Raven yells, running towards the pool followed by Sean and Charles.

Alex stared in horror at the empty space where Anya use to be, he couldn't move making Sean go back and pull him with them. They all jump to the edge of the pool to see if there's still hope.

Looking down, they could see a figure swimming up to the surface making them all sigh in relief. As soon as Anya breaks the water barrier, she started having a coughing fit.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now