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A knock sounded from her door, followed by it opening and closing "Hey do you wanna watch a movie? Sean's preparing popcorn."

Anya turns her head from looking out the window to Alex who was leaning back on her doorframe with a smile on his face. She has her legs tucked up under her chin as she sits on the window seat with a blanket on her legs.

"Hello Summers." She smiles at him.

He looks at her features and despite her smile, he quickly notices the tiredness and sadness in her eyes making him frown "What's wrong?"

Anya sighs and look down "I guess the dark circles are obvious then? Telling you I'm tired?" She looks up then pats the space next to her toes to signal him to sit.

"You're nonexistent dark circles didn't tell me." He replies "The sadness in your eyes did."

"I've been trying to find the rest of my family." She finally tells him after two days of trying "I always knew I still have one left but I'm not completely sure." She continues as Alex sits down with her.

"One?" He asks, looking down to play with her shoe lace.

"Uncle," She answers "I've been trying to find him all week. Sneaking away at midnight to the computers and sneaking out to libraries when I had to." She explains, guilty at the fact she kept this from him the whole time.

"Anya..." He trails off with sad eyes "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He ask.

"Trust me I've been trying Alex." She sighs.

He searches for her eyes but found them staring outside in the rain.

"I was able to locate them in Spain where my mom was born." She continues "I thought that if I could travel all the way to Spain to reveal myself then I might be able to live with a family like I always dreamed of." She smiles at the thought.

"Travel? Like leave?" He asks "Do you have to? I mean you live here and we're sort of like your family right?" He says, scared that she might decide to leave.

"Don't worry Alex, just yesterday I discovered that they all died a long time ago." She chuckles dryly "Turns out they were a family of mutants, including my mom and one day they were killed by an unknown fire causing my mom to leave. Then she ended up here where I was born, three years after." She scrunched her face.

"Anya, I'm so sorry." Alex says softly as she continues to face out the window.

"Cool huh?" She forces a smile, with her eyes glossy of tears "I'm the last existing person in both of my families." She says, dropping her face down to her arms as she sniffles.

"Anya look, that doesn't mean you're alone. You'll always have us, Charles, Hank maybe Sean but most importantly me." Alex rubs her arm that was covering her face "You'll always have me." He smiles, at the fact.

She slowly looks up, wiping under her eyes "That's sweet Summers, but I already have my eye on one guy and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate me talking to you." She purses her lips as he fights a smile.

"Oh really? Who is this guy? I bet he's cute." Alex plays along.

"Yeah and smart too." She smiles.

"And strong?" He asks, rubbing her knee.

"Yeah, plus he wears glasses." She smirks.

"Wait what?"

"And he loves math and science, his name is Hank. I should introduce you to him, clever guy." She winks at him.

Alex squints his eyes at her while she stares back at him, biting her lip.

"He's also more hotter than you-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Alex jumps off his seat and slides his arms behind her knees and through her back, lifting her off the window seat.

"Alex put me down!" She yells "Summers!" She gasp and hugs his neck as he turns her around.

Alex ignores her screams and throws her on the bed and locks her down with his own body before she could get up.

"Get off you big baby!" She laughs.

"Take it back." He orders, grabbing her wrist and sliding it above her head.

"No." She turns her head.

"Take it back or I'll tickle you." He threatens.

"You really wanna try that buddy? Don't complain about the consequences." She warns.

"I'll do it." He pushes.

"I'm not even ticklish so you'll only end up bruising my ribs." She says "Now get off."

He smiles and ignores her wishes by going in to kiss her, but before their lips could meet, Anya gasp at the sight of Sean in her doorway eating popcorn.

"Go on," he edges "Pretend I'm not here." He smiles as he throws one in his mouth.

"Seriously." Alex looks at him in disbelief.

"What!?" He whines "I told you to get Anya so we could all watch a movie I didn't say go to Anya and make a one." He rolls his eyes.

"How long have you been standing there?" Anya asks as she pushes Alex off, making him slump down on the bed beside her.

"Long enough for the popcorn to get cold." He sighs "Let's go love birds." He yells, walking out into the hallways.

"I hate him." Alex groans.

"I love him." Anya smiles, before leaving Alex in the room as she follow after Sean into the hallways.

I'm pretty sure computers weren't invented yet at that time, but bear with me and just pretend that it was, just for the sake of the story. <3


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