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Standing in the middle of the mansions gigantic backyard, Charles and Erik looks at Anya with a smile making her furrow her eyebrows at them.

"I don't get it?" She asks, squinting her eyes not being used to being outside in the sun all the time.

"Ready for your training?" Charles ask.

"That's what I also don't get." Anya speaks "What exactly is the use of my gifts in battle? I hope you both remember that I can't use it to fight." She reminds them.

"You won't use it to fight, you'll use it as a distraction." Charles states.

"Destruction?" She asks raising a brow.

"He said distraction." Erik corrects.

"Sorry, I didn't really hear you due to the both of you not making any sense." She says placing her hand on her hip.

"Okay, someone's out of their shell." Erik jokes.

"Didn't sleep well?" Charles chuckles.

"I thought you said you wouldn't." Anya says referring to him reading her mind.

"Didn't have to." He replies.

"What gave it away?" She asks.

"Maybe the fact that you yawned like five times at breakfast and five more times on the way here." Erik says laughing, making Anya sigh.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She apologizes "I'm not like this, I don't know what's gotten into me."

"You don't have to apologize." Charles tells her.

"And it's not the bed I promise, the bed was a ten out of ten. It's just I'm not use to sleeping somewhere new." She explains looking down at her white sneakers that she paired with her gray outfit.

"That is understandable." Charles nod.

"Now back to business." Charles clasp his hands before rubbing them together "Sean told me that you move fast and stealthy."

"Sean?" Anya ask surprised.

"Yes Sean." Erik sighs "You really need to get your ears checked." He replies making her fold her arms together.

"I'm just surprised okay?" She retorts back at him.

"Anyways!" Charles yell gaining both of their attention "Sorry." he mutters sighing.

"As I was about to say, you'll use your gift as the distraction while you'll use your ability to sneak up on people as your own weapon." He explains.

"I get it." Anya nods in understanding.

"So I'll be fighting you both by sneaking up on you guy's?" She ask confused.

"Nope, that's for another time with the whole team." He says making her furrow her eyebrows.

"The whole team?" She says.

"Yes. Stop repeating everything he's saying." Erik speaks up.

"Sorry." She mutters shyly.

"What we'll have you do is to try to cover up the whole place with mist so we can see how far your powers reach." Charles tells her as he hands her a bottle of water.

Anya looks down at the bottle and takes it without hesitating before chugging it all up in one go. Charles and Erik turns around and starts walking away so they can have a view of the whole yard to see how far her powers reach.

As soon as Erik and Charles stops and turns back around, Anya reaches both her hands out and starts moving her fingers, she unintentionally burps from the water she drank and laugh at herself for doing so.

Fire and the Flood × Alex Summers × X-men First Class Where stories live. Discover now