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Need to know

(Y/n)-Your name (L/n)-Last name
(e/c)-eye color (h/c)-hair color
(h/l)-hair length (f/f)-favorite food
(f/c)-fav color (2f/c)-2nd fav color
{TIME SKIP}-self explanatory
~❤️‍🩹~ large time skip (days/months)

♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

     "Come on, Babe, you're just working tonight. What'll be the harm in going with us?"
     "Ren, you're working too," I say to the blond as their curly hair is flopped to the side, showing off their side buzz.
     "But we get out early tonight! It's Valentine's!" They claim while undoing two of the buttons of their shirt, wanting a sexier look to them.
     "You and Tashio need to go and enjoy your amazing date of getting railed after getting blackout drunk without me." I claim while waving them off as I adjust my dress, checking over to make sure I didn't get any gold or white eyeshadow on it.

     "Come on, (Y/n). You really don't want to be with anyone on Valentine's Day?"
     "I'll be with Jack."
     "A dog doesn't count."
     "Fuck off, he is perfect and wonderful...and probably better than any man I could date." I claim, making my friend pout. "Oh please, you're enby, why the hell are you offended?"
     "Because I used to think I was a man before I realized I was neither man nor woman." Ren claims as they flick their hair. "I am a god!"
     "Not really. More of an idiot then anything." I state as I look at myself in the mirror, looking at the golden dress that's form fitting to my figure but loose near my breasts.
     "You're so mean to me, Babe!"

     "Ren, what'd you do now?"
     "Tashio! Why do you think I did it?" Ren exclaims as their boyfriend walks in, going over and putting his leather jacket in his locker.
     "Because you're mischievous, your highness, and you constantly tease our girl," Tashio states as he fixes his long black hair to be half up in a bun and the rest drooping in long waves. "Looking gorgeous today, by the way." He says to me while I put on my white platforms.
     "Thank you." I say to him before standing after checking the time. "I'll see you guys on the floor. I'm the first tonight and the boss made a whole shebang out of it since 'Aphrodite is preforming' on Valentine's Day for all the couples." I explain with a slightly annoyed look when mentioning my stage name.

     "Damn, good to know we'll get a great entertainment tonight."
     "Come to my bar anytime, on me." Tashio offered after his partner gave me a tight hug.
     "See you two later. Love you." I say to them before walking out into the hall that leads to the main room of Cherryton club. I love how close they are. I think a bit sadly. I wish I had that. I think with slight jealousy before putting a smile on my face as I walk onto the floor, putting confidence in my steps.

     "Aphrodite, looking amazing!"
     "Look over there! It's Aphrodite!" People call my stage name as I walk and give occasional waves before looking towards the front where my boss ushers me over with a smile.

     "Hello, Mr. Taiya." I say to the man talking with the DJ (sadly not Present Mic who normally talks with me on my breaks and doesn't make me uncomfortable since he talks about his husband and adopted kids).
     "How often have I told you to call me Taiya?" My boss says with a laugh before leading me away. "So I was thinking of having you were tonight doing just a couple dances and then mostly serving drinks, I get more sold that way and more cash for the club since you're eye candy for most of these desperates. How's that?" He asks with a smile.
     More money for you, most likely less tips for me. "Yeah, remember I leave early tonight since I've got a date with Ren and Tashio." I lie, my friends having offered weeks ago so I can get off early since they know I don't like the holiday before he nods.
     "Yes yes, you leave at eight-thirty and so do those two. Now go be the gorgeous star you are, 'Dite."
     "Aphrodite or (L/n), Mr. Taiya."
     "Just go put on something worthwhile." He corrects with a slightly bored look before walking away from me so I can prepare for my show.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now