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I hope this is worth the long wait. Sorry, my life has been a bit of a rollercoaster since I last updated. I normally wouldn't post my awaiting draft but you guys need it. Without further explanation....enjoy your spice!



♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

     Please! Please! Please! I think desperately as my fingers tease my pussy, not seeming enough.
     Not deep enough.
     Not good enough.
     Not foreign enough.
     I can't help as a sob comes through me before I angrily hit my pillow as I catch my breath. Am I really this pitiful? I think as a few sobs fall from my lips, still trying to ride my fingers for any bit of friction to relieve myself of my desire.
     My desire, my need, for these two men.
     Bakugou and Izuku.
     Ever since I watched them, the sheer passion and want that each of them had....I can't get it out of my head.
     "Fuck!" I sob again as I lay my face into my pillow before I can't help but scream into it. "IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR!" I scream out with a sob as I give out a loud scream of frustration.
      Knock knock knock knock knock!
      "(Y/n), are you-" Izuku, who seems like he just showered (since he had a towel around his waist) says worriedly as the door flies open, making us both freeze.
      Panic fills me as I grab my pillow to hide my bare lower half before wiping my eyes with the back of my hands quickly. "Izuku! I-I-I thought you and Bakugou were working today!" I say as I eye him, surprised.
     The green haired man quickly gulps before he turns, his back to me. "W-We were. Uh, Katsuki Katsuki let me out early since he wanted to do paperwork." Izuku explains as he shifts slightly. "I wanted to surprise you but then got worried when I came in. I-I thought you were-" he stops to spare me a glance before looking even more flustered and looking back to the main living area. "Hurt."
     I can't help as I give a sniffle as I wipe my nose and eyes again with the back of my hand. "N-No. Just....frustrated." I confess with a small laugh. "I'm so sorry, I'm pitiful." I claim with a scoff.
      "No, no, no, no, you're not." Izuku comforts as he grips the side of the door, seeming to debate coming in to comfort me. "Even I have a hard time too when I-" He pauses as his ears gain a red hue. "A-Anyways it hard when it's not someone else's or a toy helping out." He states.
      "I would have but I forgot my charger at my house and I just....I needed something." I explain, shifting a bit, feeling a bit needier with him so close. Would he notice? I think as I slowly slip two fingers past my folds, imagining them belonging to the man at the door. A small gasp comes through me as I look to him, finding his gaze on mine.
     "Bunny," He calls, his voice scolding. "are you touching yourself to the thought me?" He questions, making me stare as he comes closer to me.
     "I-I-I-" I stumble as I look up at him, quickly moving my fingers away from myself. "N-No." I reply as he looks at me knowingly.
     "Oh. Well then," He states as he turns. "I was going to help you. But I guess you don't-"
      "NO!" I yell as I grab his arm before growing embarrassed. "I-" I stop as I suck in a breath. Just this once and never again. You don't want to ruin him and Bakugou's chances. "Please, Izuku, make me feel good." I plead as I look at him.
     A gentle, but still possessive, look show on his face as he smiles at me softly. "Of course." Izuku says as he slowly moves the pillow before I look away, flustered.
     He's seeing me.
     All of me.
     "With or without clothes," Izuku says as he turns my head to look at him. "You're absolutely perfect." He states before gently kissing me.
      I can't help as I relax into him, his touch was addicting.
     "Let me take care of you?"
     His eyes.
     They were enchanting, so gentle and soft, while still filled with desire.
     "Yes." I reply softly before he gently picks me up and leans my back against the pillows at the top of my bed. I watch as he moves to laying on the bed, pulling me towards him and bringing a gasp out of me.
      "Ready?" Izuku asks, making my breath hitch.
     I give a nod as I watch him move his nose closer towards my pussy before slowly licking his tongue all along my pussy. "A-AH!" I moan out in surprise as I grip the sheets.
      Slowly, he does it again. Licking my pussy from my entrance to my clit.
      I give a curse as I throw my head back with a loud moan escaping my lips as I can't help but lift my hips, craving more.
     Needing more.
     "Izuku." I plead as I look down to him, his eyes as his bangs being the only part of his face I see before he slowly moves lower. "Izu-AAH!~" I moan out as his tongue enters my pussy and slowly starts to tongue fuck me.
     Slow and gentle....I wanted more.
    Needed more of him.
    "Fuck, Izuku." I whine as I revel in his touch.
     "You look amazing like this." He says after pulling away to catch his breath a moment, making me flush as I bite my lip, making him groan in his throat. "Don't do that. It makes me want to kiss you."
     I can't help as a small smile meets my lips before purposely biting my bottom lip.
     A flicker of lust shines in his eyes before he sits up and pulls me in for a deep kiss, allowing me to taste myself on his lips.
      I can't help but grip a hand in his hair as I deepen the kiss, making him moan as he moves closer. Our lips work together perfectly before I give a gasp as he enters two fingers in me, making me pull away.
     "You're so fucking wet, Bunny." Izuku states as he slowly moves his fingers in and out of my pussy.
     "Izu-" I start before I wrap my arms around his neck as I rest my head on the crook of his neck. "F-Faster. Too teasing." I whisper as I rock my hips. "Ahhhhh!~" A low moan leaves me as it make me take his fingers deeper.
     "I knew you were too needy to want slow." The green haired man says with a smile. "Turn around and get on your knees with that sexy ass of yours up." He demands in a low whispers, making my heart skip a beat before I do as he says. "That's my good Bunny." Izuku states as he enters his fingers easily and speeds up his pace, the sound of my wetness echoing in the room.
     I can't help as multiple moans escape me as I arch my back, pleasure going through me. "PLEASE!" I plead, wanting more as he angles his fingers to the right place. "IZUKU!" I scream out as he keeps hitting the same spot the exact  way, making me moan and shake each time as I can feel a knot starting in my stomach.
      "You look so perfect like this. My fingers so deep in your pussy. You-" He pauses for a moment before hitting the spot hard, making me groan in pleasure and hide my face in the covers as I shake harshly.
     "IZUKU, PLEASE!" I shout before my orgasm hits and I'm left shaking and a panting mess on the bed as my propped up legs finally give out. "Izuku, that-"
      "Was amazing, right?" Bakugou, still in his hero costume, asks with a lustful look on his face as he stands in the doorway.
     My heart drops in fear as my eye widen. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this-" My heart skips a beat as tears prick my eyes. "I-I-I-"
     "Hey, hey," Bakugou, with a worried look, says as he walks over before placing his hand on my cheek. "I'm not mad. You're okay." He comforts as he looks at me, wiping away my tears. "You did good, I'm glad Izuku got to help you." He says before giving a grunt as he stands, gently picking me up.
     "How about we all have a bath? It'll help both of you calm down." He says as he gently pulls Izuku into his side and starts taking us up to their bathroom.
       Did I mess up? I think worriedly as I look up to the blond man. I hope not.


     "Here, sit here for a minute while I draw the bath." I state as I set down (Y/n) and guide Izuku to sitting on our bed before I head into our connected bathroom.
     The water gives a hiss as it hits the bottom, starting to fill the huge tub that will fit all of us easily. I reach a hand in before I nod, happy at the temperature. I gently shake my hand of the water before heading back to the pair.
     (Y/n) still has a few tears in her eyes.
     Izuku still looks a bit worried.
     "Hey, I'm not mad. At either of you." I state before I grin. "Just disappointed I didn't get to watch longer." I claim, making Izuku give a chuckle before he sighs.
     "Thanks, Kacchan." My Izuku says as he looks up to me before pulling (Y/n) closer. "We're okay, I promise."
      She gives a smile as she can't help but give a small sob and sniffle with her nod. "Yeah." (Y/n) says as she leans into him and looks up as I walk over before kissing her forehead.
      "You're safe here, nothing's going to get you here." I state as I caress her face. "Izuku and I are gonna keep you safe." I claim before stepping back and taking off the top of my hero costume. I can't help but give a chuckle as she perks up, glancing over my abs and muscular build.
      A blush meets her face before she looks away shyly when I drop my pants and underwear. "Y-You're very handsome, Bakugou." (Y/n) says shyly as she swallows nervously.
      "And you're both absolutely stunning." I say as I glance to my boyfriend and her. "Now let's get in the bath before it gets cold." I say as I go over and pick her up, making her avoid looking at me. "You can look if you want. I'm not going to force you to do anything though." I explain as I set her in the bath gently, her giving a moan of relief.
      I can't help but smile before I turn to my Izuku. "Your turn, Love." I say as I pick him up, making him laugh.
      "Kacchan!" He laughs, giving my cheek a kiss, before I settle us both in the bath and pull (Y/n) close to us.
     "This is nice." (Y/n) says with a smile as she leans into us, closing her eyes.
      "It is." I say before gently petting her hair, her soon falling asleep against us.
      "Katsuki, you're really not mad?" Izuku, whispering, asks after a bit of silence.
     I give him a slight chuckle. "Izuku, I've been wondering when you'd give her what she wants." I say as I gently pull him close for a gentle kiss. "She's got a hold on us, whether she knows that or not." I state as I look down at her before kissing her forehead.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now