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I hope you all still love me after this one! ♡RIA(or)RAIN♡

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "My loves! Stay beautiful and enjoy yourselves!" I call in my stage persona as I wave to the crowd, my bikini top on display leaving my chest bare. "I'll be back next week if you wish to bless your Aphrodite once more!" I say before walking off the stage.
     "Great job out there, (L/n)!" One of the girls says with a smile as she takes my mic before tying my top for me.
     "Thank you, I've been practicing that one for a while and thought I'd whip it out." Thanks to helping Izuku with his practice. I add to myself with a smile.
     "Yeah? It's neat seeing you like this." She says with a small smile, making me grow confused.
     "What do you mean?"
     "You seem more confident and comfortable with yourself." She explains with a smile. "Oh, sorry, gotta help the next girl. See you around!"
     I'm acting different? I think, a bit confused as I head back to the main room. Have those two really been affecting me that much? I didn't think I've changed any? I think before shaking my head. I'll figure it out later, I need to start serving drinks. I think as I head to the bar where Tashio and the other bar tenders busily make drinks.
     "Hey, Stranger." Tashio greets with a smile as his shoulders drop with relief. "How've you been?"
     I can't help the smile that meets my lips as I look to him. "Been going great. I should be out soon." I explain with a smile before it slightly drops. "How are they?" I ask, trying to hide my worry.
     His eyes grow a little sad. "They're doing good. They miss you, you know? We both do." Tashio states and making my heart ache.
     "Everything will be back to normal soon. I promise." I reply with a smile as I rest my hand on his as he loads the tray. "It'll be like this never happened, like I never met those heroes." I state, the words feeling like poison to my heart.
     "Glad to hear we'll have our girl back." Tashio says, his smile growing a mile wider.
     "Me too." I say with a smile as I head to serve the drinks to tables.
     Why does it hurt so much thinking I won't see Izuku and Katsuki again? I think a bit sadly as I smile at a couple here drinking and both admiring me. Why? Why do I hate the thought of leaving them? I think before bumping into someone. "Sorry! I-"
     "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Ren whispers as they look at me a bit worriedly. "You never get this into your head at work." They claim as they look me over.
     "Yeah. Sorry." I say with a smile. "Just worrying about Ukyuu and his exams coming up." I half-lie as I shake my head while we walk back to Tashio.
     "So UA's still going good for him?" Ren questions before I nod.
     "He's doing amazing. He loves training there." I say with a smile. "I can't wait to see where he'll go."
     "Great. I'm glad our little Ukyuu's getting so big. I still remember him being seven!" Ren says, making me laugh.
     "I don't know how the hell he got so big, he was barely at my chest and now he's tall as fuck." Tashio chimes in with a grin, making my heart swell.
     This is what I've missed.
     The trio.
     My Ren and Tashio that have been through hell and back with me.
     Been to hell and back for me.
     How could life be any better than the three of us against the world and this stupid club?
     Izuku and Katsuki showing you so much love, even at your walls all up.
     "Love is for children with futures! You are nothing!" I flinch at the thought of the all to familiar voice before I jump as Ren touches my arm.
     "Hey, hey, you're okay. We're here, (Y/n). They're not here to hurt you. They're gone." Ren says as their blond locks fall in their eyes as they move me away from the crowd.
     I meet their grey eyes before taking a breath. "Thanks, Ren." I say with a small nod. "I guess part of me's still stuck there." I joke with a shrug as I grab the next full tray of drinks and head to serve them.
     "(Y-Y/n), I want to talk to you before you go back to their house. Just at Blossom Cafe." Ren stumbles as they grab my hand. "Please?" They plead, swallowing a lunp in their throat.
      My stomach drops as I look at them. "Of course. I think I get off a bit earlier than you two so I'll order for you-"
     "It'll just be you and me. I promise it's nothing bad." They cut me off before smiling at me. "I'll see you then." Ren states before going back to their guard duty.
      I wonder if they're going to apologize? Everything seemed normal when we were all three talking. I think with a sigh.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now