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     "Nah, nah, Bakugou-Sensei is the hotter teacher. Have you seen his ass?"
     "Yeah, but Midoriya-Sensei has such great hips."
     "You two are something else." Lancel Sugashiri sighs as he looks at Ukyuu (L/n) and Kaz Horsua as they bicker.
     "Aatele!" Sugashiri exclaims to his grinning girlfriend, Aatele Comakia, all eight of her red eyes faking innocence.

     "You all are gross." Kita Tsukami says with a look of disgust as she reads, her best friend: Mio Karoso, giving an apologetic look.
     "You just have never had taste, Tsukami," Horsua states before they all look as the classroom door opens.
     "Alright you little shits, go get your damn training uniforms on or I'll leave you all to do homework," Bakugou states in a stern voice as he slightly glares at them with crossed arms.
     "Hell yeah!" The younger (L/n) sibling exclaims excitedly before running out of the room with his friends.

     After changing into uniforms and going outside to join the other hero class, the sound of heavy training can be heard.
     "Hey, Ukyuu," Horsua calls to the boy who stops, the dust trail that was behind him, thanks to his Superspeed quirk, being waved away by him. "I dare you three thousand yen {~$25 USD} to slap Midoriya-Sensei's ass."
     "That's a death wish, especially when Bakugou-Sensei finds out," Karaso states with a worried look and a quick shake of her head, raising her voice a bit for once.
     "That's the fun, dumb dumb will do it." Tsukami claims as she nods to the (h/c)-haired teen thinking it over.
     "No, no. You are can't do that, (L-"

     "Add in another three thousand yen if you also slap Bakugou-Sensei's ass and get away with it." Tsukami adds in, a grin on her face as Sugashiri glares at her for interrupting her and aiding in the potential chaos.
     "DEAL!" (L/n) says as he grins excitedly, bouncing from foot to foot.
     "Normally I'm fine with your antics but this is even a little too far for the two of you," Comakia states as she looks to Horsua and (L/n).
     "It'll be fineeeee. I've never been caught before when messing with them. They can't prove I've done anything." Ukyuu claims with a grin as he stretches, preparing for his speed run, even with his enhanced speed quirk.

     "You say that and then-"
     "Don't jinx me, Sugashiri." The younger (L/n) interrupts as he smiles. "Time me."
     "Ukyuu, wait-"
     The teen doesn't let his blue-haired friend speak before he quickly starts running.
     The world around him seems to almost slow before he pauses briefly to make a harsh SMACK! to the other hero course teacher's rear, who was having a good conversation with his boyfriend, before quickly running over and smacking his teacher's rear.
     With time seeming slow to Ukyuu, to the others, it was still quick.

     I can't really use to lose this cash. Tsukami thinks with a slight grin as before holding out her foot as the large dust cloud nears. Let me just-
     "Woah!" Little (L/n) exclaims before harshly hitting the dirt with a THUNK!, his teeth hitting each other when his chin hits the ground. "Tsukami! You tripped me!" Ukyuu whines in pain as he holds his jaw and looks at the girl.
     "Oh, you were coming back? I didn't notice.~" Tsukami claims, faking innocence before she smirks. "Good luck, Pretty Boy."
     "Who you calling-"

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now