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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     It's times like this that I wish for a mother. Like any hurt child would. A presence that seemed so protective and strong and brave. Except mine never loved me. She never will. I ruined her perfect figure. Her and dad think that. The only burden that their love had. A child they didn't want. A daughter they didn't want.
     I wonder if Ukyuu is safe. Is he having fun with his friends? I hope he's not thinking about me. I'm not worth the waste. I think with a sigh, grinding my teeth as I suck in a painful breath as my sides feel tight.
     How did it come to this? I'm just a stripper. I'm nothing special. I have no use besides for pleasure to others trying to get a high or escape a painful reality. So, how did I fall in love with two of the top heroes? Everything was okay. I had Ren and Tashio, Jack, and my Ukyuu. How did I change so much that everything else would follow suit?
     "You're very quiet. If I wasn't checking your vituals, I'd think you for dead, (L/n)." Analyst states as he walks into the room, looking down at me as I lay on the concrete floor. "You'll catch a cold if you don't sit up."
    I blink at him owlishly before slowly turning over. I should just die soon, save Izuku and Katsuki the trouble.
     "I need you mostly alive."
     "Then a cold shouldn't be a concern." I grit out as I close my eyes tiredly, my breathing shaky.
     He gives a sigh before dropping the barrier and rolling up his sleeves. "You're almost too much trouble than you're worth. You know that?" He says with a snicker as he stands behind me. "I'm getting close to killing you. And I haven't ever killed anyone." Analyst claims as he roughly turns me over, making me sob in pain. "YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING EAT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"
    WHACK! Another sob escapes me as his hand makes contact with my face. "LISTEN HERE!" Analyst hisses as he grips my shirt. "Your mother should have aborted you liked they wanted to if they didn't find out about you so late!" He snaps as he glares at me. "You only have purpose in sex and being a hostage!"
     WHACK! "If they don't show up soon I'm going to beat you until you bleed to death because I can't stand your bitching." The man chuckles darkly as he knees me in the gut, making me scream as he throws me down.
     "Please-ACK!" I screech as he starts to stomp and kick my ribs and face, causing the little air I have in me quickly being forced out as I cry in pain and beg for help that won't come. "S-STOP IT!" I sob as I shakily cover my bleeding face, spitting blood as my nose bleeds.
     "You are nothing, (L/n), remember that." Analyst coos as he gently caresses my face before scowling as he punches me.
      I sob as I weakly try to move from his grip. Hurts! It all hurts! I think as I look up at him. "I'm well aware."
     He scoffs as he throws me down, pain shooting through me as my head hits the concrete.
      The world slowly went black.


     "I'm getting anxious. We need to get her."
    "That's impatience,  Katsuki." Hitoshi remarks as he looks over at our map of the building.
     "We need to get her before whoever pulled this shit doesn't hurt her!" I snap as I march up to him. "We need to save (Y/n)."
    "Think rationally, you big oaf. We know nothing about this enemy and how many there are. We have to think this through."
     I grit my teeth before running a hand through my hair. "I need air." I hiss before walking out of my office, heading for the roof. Godsdamnit! How am I letting myself get behind on this? She'd be safe already if we went for it! I think as I slam the door behind me. "Damn it all!" I snap under my breath as I head for the ledge and watch the city below. Fate and Coincidence, you two sure are bastards. I think with a shake of my head as I run my hand through my hair.
     I need to get her home. Even if she hates us, she needs to be safe. I can live with her hating me for the shit I've done but I need her safe and happy over my happiness. I think as I look towards the doors that lead back inside the agency.
     I can't. I think, gritting my teeth before I jump off the building, using small explosions to propel me in the air. I need to protect them. I need to protect them both. I need to see them happy again. That's all I need. I think as I start heading for the address that was on Lemoncake's collar.
     It's a fifteen minute "flight" before I finally arrive at the more run-down area, the building with our (Y/n) inside across from me. Now how to get in good?
    "Think going from the bottom up would work?"
     "May-Izuku?!" I hiss as I register the voice of my boyfriend. "What the hell-"
     He holds up a finger to shush me, "Do you think I'm going to let you do this alone?" Izuku states before smiling softly. "I told Eijiro to hurry over for backup. They'll be here soon enough, my love."
     "You-" I fuss before sighing, leaning my forehead against his. "I love you, dummy."
     "I love you most. Now, how are we going to get our girl back?" Izuku asks hopefully as he looks towards the building and hands me an earpiece to clip on my hearing aids.
     "Flounder?" I question the code word with a quirked brow before he nods with a smile.
     "And waffles?" He asks before I nod.
     "Yeah." I reply before we separate.
     Izuku going through the back, and I'm in the front.
     "Please let this work." I plead as I head inside through a broken window. It was a very run-down space, like the building itself wanted to fall to its knees. "Rust, caution." I say the code for 'Old' and 'Be careful' as I continue deeper, heading up as I explore the building after checking for a lower level.
     I pause as I make it onto the fourth floor, the smell of rotten eggs incading my senses. I open the door carefully before eyeing the corridor. It had Liquid Petroleum gas tanks {propain tanks} spread about. Gas leaks. I think as I scowl at the smell of the leaking petroleum. Shit. Whoever this is, they're expecting us. I think annoyedly as I start to look at the bottom of every door for a like.
     I'm close to her or these tanks wouldn't be here. I think before spotting the door with light peaking out from under the crack of the door. There she-
     "STOP! PLEASE!" The all too familiar voice screams, making me quickly slam open the door.
     "NOT ANOTHER INCH, DYNAMIGHT!" The man yells as a glass barrier suddenly appears before me. "You wouldn't want her to die, would you?" He chuckles before my eyes land on the frail body of our girl.
     She was bruised heavily on her face, she looked thin, and in a pool of her own blood as she has a hand clutching her side. "Katsuki! Go home-"
     "What did you do to her?!" I hiss as I march closer to the glass.
     "She was getting defensive. I had to put her in her place." The villain coos.
     "You bastard-"
     "His quirk is program! He can control the roo-"
     WHACK! "SHUT UP, I'M SICK OF YOU!" The villain says before kicking her side, making her scream before sobbing.
     "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I snap as I start pounding on the glass.
     "You're just going to have to die first. And you can watch her die like I had to watch my wife and kids die in our home because YOU HEROES DIDN'T BOTHER TO SAVE THEM FROM THE FIRE!" The villain yells as he glares at me. "You and Deku made me, Dynamight! You two created Analyst! You made me this monster!" He growls before laughing darkly. "So I'm going to take the one thing you two love most." He states with a sneer.
     "Let her go. Kill me, godsdamnit! Just stop hurting her!" I snap as I scream at him.
     Analyst laughs before smile. "Oh, you're so pathetic, Dynamight. So desperate for a love you and Deku long for. One that-"
     "DYNAMIGHT!" Izuku calls as he rushes in behind, pausing as he spots our girl. "(Y-Y/n)?" He asks before gritting his teeth. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Izuku yells as he starts punching the glass, his quirk surrounding him before he grabs Analyst's shirt and punches his face. "YOU WILL NEVER HURT (Y/N) AGAIN!"
     Holy shit. I think as I can't help but stare before shaking it off. Get (Y/n). I tell myself before breaking more of the glass, it shattering the wall before I rush to the (h/c) haired woman.
     "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Izuku hisses to Analyst as he punches him again, getting one in return as the pair fist fight.
     "(Y/n)!" I call as I drop to my knees at her side, pressing her stab wound.
     "You shouldn't have come here. H-He'll hurt you." She whimpers while taking a shaken breath, blinking slowly.
     "We're getting you out of here, (Y/n). You need a hospital." I say as I gently kiss her forehead, about to pick her up.
     "KATSUKI!" Izuku yells before a sharp pain shoots through my side.
     Gods fuck! I think with gritted teeth as I eye the knife in my side. "Bastard!" I hiss as iron meets my tongue.
     "K-Katsuki-" (Y/n) whimpers as she shakily reaches for me.
     "I love you, (Y/n). Take care of Izuku for me. Please. I promised to protect you, I'm keeping that damn promise."
     "Katsuki?" (Y/n) pleads after me as I head towards Analyst and Izuku, ignoring the pain in my side.
     "Deku, take her and get far away as you can from here. Have Riot come in for me." I state as I grab Analyst from Izuku, punching him harshly. "Now." I hiss as I pull the knife from my back.
     "But, Katsuki-"
     "NOW!" I scream as I give him a testing look.
     Izuku looks at me before activating his quirk. "I love you, Katsuki. Please be careful." He states before I see the green flash go out the door.
     "Shut up!" I hiss as I throw Analyst onto the floor. "You really messed with the wrong people. You see, Analyst, if I destroy all evidence then no will know what I'm about to do."
      He laughs as he stands to his feet. "You're a hero, what are you gonna do? You going to do what Hawks pulled on that villain, Twice, during the wars?"
     "No, I'm going down with you." I state with a sneer as I grab the clip of my gauntlet and aim for the nearest LP tank.


     "Izuku, please-"
     "Something's going to happen or he wouldn't have yelled at me like that." I counter while running with her in my arms.
     "I love you, Izuku. You and-"
     "You're not dying!" I interrupt her as I hold her closer to me. "Please just stay with me!" I plead as I look down to the woman looking at me tiredly. "We'll all be-"
     I give a yelp as the force pushes me foreward, holding (Y/n)'s head as I trip. I turn, horrified as I spot the building no longer there but flames and smoke lining the sky. "KATSUKIIIIIII!" I scream as I stand with the woman in my arms. "KATSUKI N-NO!"
     "Get to the hospital! I'll get him!" Eijiro, who pauses from running with the others, fusses as he looks at me.
     Everything's a blur.
     Our Katsuki.
     Katsuki may be dead.
     "IZUKU! GO!" Eijiro faintly yells before I activate my quirk and head for the hospital.
     "Doctor. I-I need a doctor." I say to the receptionist who looks at me terrified before a stretcher comes.
     "Deku, give her to-"
     "P-Please. I-I can't lose her, too. Help her, no matter what. I'll pay." I say before gently laying her on the stretcher. I watch as she's taken away before my legs give out, and I fall to my knees.
     Are they gone? How could they be gone? I need them! "P-PLEASE! I NEED THEM! I CAN'T LOSE THEM! PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEM FROM ME DAMNIT!"


     "It was pretty funny that Yuu kicked Lancel's ass in practice the other day!" Kaz remarks with a laugh as he sits at my feet.
     "Ha ha. Like how he kicked my feet from under me?"
     "And your armor went everywhere!" Kaz cackles as his tail flicks.
      "It was a pretty close match. You both did great. You two are some of the top in our class." Aatele says with a sheepish smile as she waves on of her four hands.
     "I definitely want to do it again sometime. I need to get even better." I say with a smile. "It's fun to-"
     BRING! BRING! BRINGGG! My phone chimes as I see the unknown number.
     "Who is it?"
     "Unknown. Let's fuck em up!" I cheer with a smile before answering.
     "Hello, is this Uykuu (L/n)?" A friendly voices asks, making me stiffen.
     "What kind of scam call is this?" Kita whispers to me.
     "This is he?" I say, questioning what this is.
     "This is Musutafu Hospital, we're calling about your sister."

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now