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Chapter 6


♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

     Damn, this book is amazing. I think with a smile as I read the book that finally shipped to me from America. Maybe I should've ordered the entire series? I think before continuing.
     It's a gentle silence as I read on my small balcony as Jack sleeps at my feet by the chair in sitting in.
     The way this book sounds, a tatted up, tall, blond man would be sexy and sooo tempting. I think as I look to the cover and give a thoughtful hum. And six of these fine men, ugh! I think before giving a laugh. "Man, I'm so single." I think with a laugh before getting up and stretching.
     I think I want a bath. I think as I head inside and to the bathroom, bringing my phone to play music and for if someone calls.
     After running a warm bath I strip down to nothing before getting in when the water is high enough to cover everything but my head.
     I could almost moan at how good it feels before sinking in after turning on some of my favorite music. "Oh yeah, that feels nice." I say with a content sigh as I close my eyes and lean my head back.
     It's perfect. I think, not realizing before sleep overcomes me quickly.
     "H-Hello?" I question tiredly as I wake up from the loud noise before answering my phone. Where the hell am-oh. I guess I fell asleep.
     "Is this (Y/n) (L/n)?" The familiar voice of Dynamight asks, making me give a confused look.
     "Yes, hello Bakugou." I say, pointing out that I know it's him. How long have I been sleeping? Even the water's a bit cold. I think with a small shiver before getting out and undoing the drain.
     "Are you busy?" The man asks, making me slightly stiffen.
     What do I say? "Depends on what you say next?" Little rude but seems fair. I comment in my head before I hear an annoyed chuckle.
     "Look, we need to talk. I'd prefer it be today." Bakugou states, a stern sound in his voice. "Hey! Izuku-"
     "(L/n), please. We'd very much like to talk to you and discuss some things with you." Midoriya chimes in while Bakugou fusses lightly in the background about his phone being taken away.
     Oh great, there's two of them. I think with a sigh as I wrap a towel around myself, the cold air getting too chilly. "I don't know, I should probably stay out of your guys' bus-"
     "Give." Bakugou's voice rejoins the conversation before he clears his throat. "Fine how about this." He states, making me hear the grin that's on his face. "You'll be a good girl for us and come have a nice lunch with us and hear what we have to say. How does that sound, Princess?" The ash blond says, his voice lowered, making my inner submissive go crazy at the praise and nickname.
     "Y-yes, Sir." Fuck, stop, he's not your dom-
     "That's a good little girl. Meet us at Kutsubaku, wear something nice." The praise from the man meets my ears, making my face feel warm and want more.
     "I will." I say before he chuckles.
     "Do you need a car?"
     "I can catch a bus-"
     "We'll send you a car. It won't be too long." He states before I hum.
     "Thank you. I appreciate-"
     "No no, thank me correctly, Princess."
     I can't help but swallow the lump in my throat as I turn my head, even though I know he can't see me. "T-Thank you, Sir." I say quietly before he chuckles darkly.
     "What was-"
     "Thank you, Sir!" I say louder before he hums, deep and low with approval.
     "Now that's a good girl." Bakugou says before bidding a farewell to me then hanging up.
     I stare at my homescreen, a picture of Jack and I with Tashio and Ren, before taking a deep breath before letting it out. "FUCKING HELL!" I yell as I run a hand through my (h/c) hair before tapping my phone against my forehead multiple times. "WHY DOES HE KNOW MY WEAKNESS?!" I question annoyedly before going into my room.
     Jack gives a small whimper as he lifts his head off the bed as I stand in front of the closet.
     "I'm okay, just flustered, Jackie boi." I say before looking through my lesser lewd dresses. Oh, I forgot I had this. I think while pulling out the white sundress that Ren had bought me on a school trip even though I told him to buy stuff for himself.
     "Bruff!" Jack barks happily after I pull on the sundress and stand by my mirror while fixing my hair and doing a light mascara, not feeling like putting on a full face of makeup.
     "What do you-"
     "Easy, boy." I say to my dog before going closer to him and petting him and calming him down, placing a kiss to his forehead. "I'll be back, love you." I say before grabbing my phone and a small purse {or} mini backpack before going to the door.
I quickly pull on a pair of slightly heeled sandals before opening the door.
     "Hello again, Miss (L/n)." The cab driver from last time says with a smile. "It's good to see you."
     "Cabbie! Hi there." I say, making the man chuckle.
     "My apologies for being rude, I'm Aoi Tanaka." Mr. Tanaka says before I shake his outstretched hand.
     "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Tanaka." I say before locking my door behind me before we're on our way.
     "So you're back at it again?" The man says jokingly before I chuckle.
     "They just can't seem to get enough of me." I joke, erupting a loud laugh from him as he drives.
     "Seems so." He states before pulling infront of the large, fancy restaurant.
     This place...look even too expensive for me. I think as my heart drops while Tanaka opens the door for me before helping me out. "I don't--I-"
     "You'll be fine, Miss. Here, call for me if you need a getaway. Like I said before, those two don't pay me." He states with a smile after handing me a small card then driving off with a tip of his hat.
     I give a deep breath before walking inside, feeling a bit underdressed when I look around.
     "Can I help-"
     "She's with us. Thank you." The familiar voice makes me turn as I spot the green haired man who gives me a reassuring smile. "(L/n)." He says softly while offering his arm out to me before leading me to a private room in the back where Bakugou's seated at a table.
     "It's about time. I thought we'd have to start eating without you." Bakugou states, a smirk still on his face, his eyes giving me a slow once over.
     "I was still getting a few things done when Tanaka got there." I explain as I fix my dress before sitting down after Midoriya pulled my chair out for me.
     "Well you look lovely, (L/n)." Midoriya says, making me give a small smile as I thank him, averting my gaze from his.
     "Sirs, ma'am, here is your food." A waitress says while coming in and setting down plates before each of us.
     Katsudon for Midoriya.
     A Udon bowl (smelling harshly of spice) for Bakugou.
     And they had ordered a pork cutlet bowl for me.
     "I hope that was alright for you, we wanted to order before the lunch rush." Midoriya says before I nod.
     "Thank you. I'll pay you-"
     "No." Bakugou says with a glare towards me, making me give a hesitant nod before I start to eat.
     Damn you, Blondie. I think a bit annoyedly as I enjoy the good tasting food, making me wonder how expensive it probably was.
     "So we'd like to talk to you about something." Midoriya says, making me nod, not really listening as I enjoy the food.
     "Pay attention, Little One." Bakugou states a bit sternly before I place my chopsticks to the side while swallowing the food in my mouth then nodding.
     "Sorry." I apologize as they share a glance before nodding.
     "You're going to step in and help us fix our relationship, Princess."
     "Uh-I told you to see a couples counselor! That's far from me!"
     "But you're prettier than a counselor." Midoriya replies to me before I groan.
     "Look, I'm not at all qualified for that. I'm a fucking stripper, not a couples counselor." I state while giving them a look of annoyed disbelief.
     "But you seem to know how to handle the both of us and you seem to read us better than anyone we know." Bakugou states as he looks at me.
     "Please? We don't want us to end and even the councilor we say had little hope for-"
     "They said what?" I question before scoffing. "Nothing is hopeless if you actually have dedication to try and fix it!" I say annoyedly before pausing when I feel a hand placed on mine.
     "Will you please help us, (L/n)? It'll only be until we're better and then you never have to see us again." Midoriya states, a pleading look in his green eyes.
     "We'll make sure that your brother gets through UA well, all three years he's there and even recommend him to good agencies." Bakugou claims, making me look at him surprised.
     Ukyuu can get a good start? I think as Midoriya smiles at me hopefully as Bakugou quirks a brow.
     "I still can't." I say before the ash blond hero scoffs.
     "And why the hell not?"
     "I can't leave my dog. He needs me and I'm not leaving him." I state sternly as Midoriya's eyes shine excitedly.
     "Katsuki! She has a dog!"
     "I heard, Zu." The man replies with a slight sigh to his boyfriend, making me grow amused at the pair. "Look-"
     "You can bring the dog with you! We won't mind!" Midoriya interrupts his boyfriend.
     The man gives a curse under his breath before sighing. "You'll take care of the dog, alright? Keep it out of our room though." He states before I look at him surprised.
     "I-I still can't-" I stop as I try to find a reason, making the pair share a glance before grinning.
     "Oh yeah? Well why not, Princess?~" Bakugou asks while leaning forward.
     "What's stopping you, Baby Bunny?~ We're not going to do anything that'll hurt you." Midoriya chimes in as he lifts my chin with a finger.
     I'm left trapped under their mesmerizing stares before adverting my gaze. "S-So no strings attached? I can leave if I ever wanted to?" I ask before they share a glance before nodding.
     "You're still your own person, you'll just being living with us and helping us get better." Bakugou claims as he snaps his fingers, making me looking to them again.
     "So you'll help us?"
     "Perfect. We'll go get some of your clothes and stuff you'll need after we're finished here."
     Please let this not be a stupid choice.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now