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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Please, Mom! I promise I'll behave! It's the grand opening! I want to be there to see it!"
     "Ukyuu, you're sixteen. There will be strippers, drinking, and sex rooms. You have no place at a club, so no."
      "Mom! That's not fair! One: I'm gay! Two: I won't drink anything! Three: I don't want sex with anyone!" My brother claims as he watches me fix my makeup for the night.
      "It's entirely fair, Ukyuu," I state as I pause to look him over. "Just because you're already in a tux doesn't help your chances," I remark as he gives me a bit of a glare before he gives a shit-eating grin. "No-"
     "You're a little shit sometimes, Yuu." I sigh as Izuku peeks his head from the living room.
     "Why can't he come?"
     "He's sixteen? And him being gay matters too for some fucking reason of why he should get to go." I state as I stand, heading to the closet and picking the silver floor-length dress.
     "I think he should go." Katsuki, who's reading on our bed as Jack sleeps beside him, states as he looks up from his manga. "He knows to behave or I'll wear his ass out in training and not let him intern for two weeks."
      "THANK-Hey! That's not fair!"
     "You'll behave though," Katsuki remarks with a grin as he eyes the teen who huffs.
     "Fine, you can go."
     "HELL YEAH!"
     "But Tashio is going to be watching you!"
     "Damnit!" The teen curses as he crosses his arms. "He's too serious and won't let me-"
     "Let you what?" I press, making him huff.
     "Fine! I'll behave!" He groans before going to the living room.
      "What am I going to do with him?" I question with a laugh. "Sometimes I question his motives," I say shaking my head.
      "Kinda reminds me of someone we know?" Katsuki, who's fixing Izuku's tie, snickers and gets a laugh from our Izuku.
     "Ha ha. I'm not that abrasive." I gripe as I close the door before stepping into my dress and having one of my boyfriends zip it up.
      "You are. Only sometimes." Izuku states as I hand him my necklace. "But you're absolutely perfect that way." He says as he kisses the back of my neck after clasping my necklace for me.
      I can't help my small laugh as I rest against his lean figure. "Yeah?" I question before turning and kissing him softly. "I'm ready if you two are?"
      The men share a look before Katsuki stands to his feet and goes to lift the train of my dress. "Tanaka's outside with the car. We just need the kid."
      "UKYUU! TIME TO GO!" I call as I don't spot him in the living room. The teen rushes down the stairs before smiling a bit sheepishly. I sigh as I outstretch my hand to him. He pouts before showing me the pack of condoms. "You're sixteen. Just don't be stupid and reckless. Don't regret who takes your first. That's all I'm trying to get at."
      "Do you regret your first?"
      "Hell no, that was one of the best sex I've had." I laugh before patting his shoulder. "Just make sure that you do want to do this if you have this in mind. You deserve to feel loved your first time and every one after." I explain before pulling on my heels. "Bye Jack! Momma loves you!" I call to the pooch sleeping on the couch who thumps his tail before we head outside.
      "Looking very lovely tonight, Miss (Y/n)," Tanaka says with a smile as he tips his hat to me and opens the door.
      "You look like quite a charmer yourself, Mr. Aoi," I say with a smile as he helps me inside the vehicle before holding the door for the men and teen.
      It's a quiet ride, minus our Katsuki telling Ukyuu about safe sex and consent, as we head for Rose Blossom Club.
     I can't help my worry as Izuku's leg bounces before I reach over and grab his hand. "You've got this. You've practiced endlessly for this, my darling." I whisper to him as I place a kiss on his cheek.
     The green-haired man sucks in a breath before he smiles at me. "Thank you, Bunny." He replies before leaning into my smaller figure as I carefully run my fingers through his curly locks.
      It doesn't take long for Mr. Aoi to get us to the club before helping us get out.
     "Thank you for the ride, we plan on riding home with Ren and Tashio. So unless you'd like to stay for the opening I'll see you Sunday for lunch?" I say to the man who smiles.
      "Me and the Mister have a nice date planned. I sadly have to decline. But I will happily await our lunch on Sunday, Miss (Y/n)." The elder says, making me smile before giving him a wave as he drives off and away from the large crowd of heroes and press surrounding the building's front.
     I can't help but take a breath as I look up at the large building that my boyfriends have worked so hard on in the past months. I'm so proud of them. They've done so well for themselves. "It's almost time. You have two minutes! I'll meet you inside." I say to my partners as I grab my brother's arm and join the crowd behind the ribbon as other heroes wait for entry.
     The two share a look before Izuku nods with a smile. "We'd like to thank you all for coming here tonight for our grand opening. We hope this place will be a nice one for heroes and sidekicks alike to relax without the worry of the press or fans! So enjoy yourselves because we have made security a priority for your safety and enjoyment. So, thank you for being here!" Izuku says with a smile before gesturing for Katsuki to say a few words.
      The blond rolls his eyes with a soft smile before clearing his throat. "Deku and I have worked hard the last few much to bring you lot this club. So don't ruin anything and enjoy yourselves. Now, I'd like for a special someone, a woman who has got Izuku and me places, to come up here and do the honor of cutting the ribbon with us. Because without her, we wouldn't be possible." Katsuki states as he meets my eyes and gestures me over.
     I can't help but grow a bit nervous before walking over and taking a hand from both men, the camera clicks from the press going crazy. "Thank you all for being here. Without you heroes, this wouldn't be possible! So we present to you: Rose Blossom Club!" I say with a smile before helping my boyfriends cut the ribbon as applause goes around.
      "Come on in!"

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now