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    "Hey," Katsuki calls gruffly as he walks into our bedroom with a towel around his small waist.
    "Hey!~" I reply with a grin as I look him over, making him chuckle.
    "As much as I'd love to bend you over and fuck you over the bed, I have to go in since Soy Sauce got sick." He remarks with a smirk as he drops his towel.
     I flush as I look down to his large cock. Gods damn. I think before clearing my throat. "Handsome as always, Love."
     "And all for you two." He states before giving me a smile. "It's our assigned date night this evening. I have something to ask you."
     "What is it?"
     "Do you want to ask her to join us for dinner?" Katsuki questions and bringing a bright smile from me.
     "Yes! I'd love to. And do you think we could have her join us for....dessert too?" I request, making him give a deep rumble in his chest.
     "Of course. Just try to make sure to share her with me later. Take a bite today if you need to so I can have a share." He jokes, making me flush as dirty thoughts overflow my mind. "Kinky boy." Katsuki remarks as I smile sheepishly.
     "She's just so pretty!"
     "I hope it was me you were talking about?" (Y/n), coming into the room, asks with a joking smile.
     "N-No! W-Wait! I-I mean you are pretty! No, not pretty! You're gorgeous! Like drop-dead gorgeous! Y-You are a stripper and even called Aphrodite, w-which the name suits you. Since she's the goddess of love and beauty-"
     "Izuku!" (Y/n) and Katsuki exclaim at the same time before both smiling lightly at the reaction.
     "Izuku, it's fine. I knew what you meant." The (h/c) haired woman remarks before looking to our Katsuki. "I thought you were off today?"
     "Cellophane got a cold. Gotta take over for his scrawny ass. I'll be back in time for the date tonight." Katsuki replies with a smile as he looks me over. "And you will look ravishing, Izuku."
     "I'll save our fun for when you get back." I claim with a wink before he chuckles.
     "Stay safe, both of you." Katsuki states before heading out the door, and soon enough, we hear the front door close.
     Gods, I love him so much. I love them both so much. I think with a smile before meeting the (e/c) eyes that were just studying me. "Good morning, Bunny."
     "That look, the one you get when you look at Katsuki, is what people long for when they think of true love." (Y/n) says with a smile that doesn't entirely meet her eyes.
     "Have you ever been looked at that way?" Please say us. That we look at you that way. I know we do. I plead silently.
     Her eyes flicker debatingly before she sighs. "Yes, but it wasn't meant to be." She replies as she turns.
     Not meant to be? "H-Hang on! What do you mean? Why isn't it meant to be?" I press as I follow her to her bedroom.
     "It doesn't matter. It's too late now." She states, making me give a small pout.
     Does she mean Tomokashi and Kido? That they look at her that way? I think as jealousy broils in my stomach. "It's never too late for anything." I say, making her pause from pulling out clothes.
     "Go change, Izuku. Let's practice your dance for your guys' club! It'll be open in a little under a month. You want to impress Katsuki, don't you?" She asks, making me nod even as I try not to fuss at her changing the subject.
     "I'll meet you in the gym for warm-ups!" I exclaim before heading out of her room. I hate it. I would. But if it ever came to, I think as I start to change. She'd be better off with Tomokashi and Kido. They know her best. But we're too selfish for that.
     Because she's mine and Katsuki's girl.
♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "So even if it's been a while since we've practiced, you've still got the dance down well. Unless they're experienced like me, they won't see the tiny mistakes." I saw with a smile to the green haired man breathing a bit heavy as he takes a drink of his water.
     "What am I still messing up on?"
     "Nothing major. You're just a little stiff and not fully confident with yourself. You can perfectly do this dance." I explain with a smile.
     "But I'm not confident enough." Izuku states with a frown. "How can I fix that, (Y/n)? I want to be almost perfect with this dance when we open!" He questions as he looks to me, hopeful.
     "Just more practice. Even just five minutes a day of going over it." I reply with a shrug. "It's an ass to do, but it helps in the long-run, it's why I've done so well." I explain as I stretch a little bit. "Plus, I find it fun to do. So it never feels like a chore."
     "How long have you been in this...business?" Izuku asks with a cringe at his words.
     "Eight, almost nine years now." I say with a smile. "I enjoy it well."
     "Eight?" Izuku questions before his brows knit together. "But that means at the least you started when you were seventeen?" He states, making my smile falter for a second.
     "I picked up a side job when in high school. It was a joke by an old friend and now here I am." I lie with a shrug as I grab the pole and lean against it. "Teenagers are assholes." I comment with a chuckle as he nods even if he looks at me a little curiously.
     "Can we keep practicing? I want to get it down well."
     "We've got two hours before Katsuki gets back. Of course!"
     Move after move, dance after after dance, Izuku's movements got more confident and more steady.
     "That's right. You're doing great!" I say excited with a smile, bouncing on my heels, as he finishes strong with the last move as his knees hit the mat. "Yes! Yes! YES!" I squeal before rushing over and kissing him without a second thought.
     Time felt like it paused.
     Nothing preventing this.
     No anger.
     No hurt.
     No criticism.
     Only Izuku.
     Gods, Izuku. I think with slight panic as I pull back a bit and meet his eyes as he gives me a look that part of me is scared of.
     It's the same look he gives Katsuki. Absolute love and adoration.
     "I-I'm so-" I'm cut off as Izuku pulls me into his lap and kisses me deeply.
     All of my rational thoughts left at this point. His plump and soft lips move against mine as his hands gently dance on my hips.
     Oh fuck. I think with a small sigh before I kiss him back with just as much passion.
     His touch, his tongue, his groans were intoxicating and I was an addict.
     "You smell so sweet." Izuku groans as he moves to start kissing at my neck, making my breath hitch.
     "Izuku." I call as I lightly grip his hair. "Fuck." I curse lightly as his sharp gaze meets mine before he removes my top.
    He gives a groan as he meets my bare chest since I didn't have a bra on. "C-Can-"
     "Yes." I breathe out as I watch him. Warmth meets my boobs as his hands mold as he massages them. "Ahh~ Izuku." I moan lightly as he continues his pace.
     His lustful emeralds meet my eyes before his mouth meets my perked nipple and erupting a moan from me.
    Izuku's hands wander my body like they know every single inch.
     So firm.
     Yet so loving.
     It was needing.
     "You have perfect moans." He states as he gives one last tease to my nipple before switching to the other as he continues to tease the perked nipple.
     "Izuku!~" I call, pleading and needing, my breath cathes as he does a harsh suck.
     "I'm going to take my time, Bunny, and you're going to do watch as I claim you." Izuku demands as he looks at me lustfully before starting to slowly mark my boobs as he switches between gently and roughly fondling my chest.
     "Izuku..." I plead as I can't help but try to catch my breath as I attempt to think rationally. Fuck. I curse before gasping as his hot hand goes under my leggings. "Izu-Aah!" I moan out as he teases my clit.
     "That's a good girl. Let all those moans out, all for me." He demands as he pulls me closer to his large figure before gently moving his finger faster in its circle.
     "Mhm! Mhm!" I muffle my moans as I shake lightly at the pressure shooting throughout my senses.
     He spots momentarily before, in a flash of green light, we're against the mirror and I meet his eyes again. Those emeralds burned with a fire that lit a spark in my stomach. He was striking as his quirk surrounded his body.
    He stops for a moment as his eyes flicker across my body.
     "You're so fucking beautiful." He states before kissing down my spine and then meeting the top of my leggings. "These won't do. Not with how I want to treat you." Izuku teases as he runs a finger along the waistband before glancing to me in the mirror. "Do you want me, (Y/n)?"
     I'm scared.
     I want Izuku.
     I want Katsuki too.
     But I want Ren and Tashio too.
     I love you all so much.
     It's all too much.
     Too complicated.
     I just want everything to go back to normal.
     But then I never would have you two and Ukyuu wouldn't have his chance at amazing agencies.
     Stop. I just want to forget every worry.
     "Yes, Izuku." I say as I meet his gaze in the mirror. "I want you."
     A moment of understanding and a tinge of sadness flicker across his eyes. Izuku's smile warms up before he gently removes my leggings and undergarments before he gently starts to kiss my thighs.
     "Give me all those worries, (Y/n). Just focus on my touch-" another kiss to my thigh. "my voice-" a light whisper in my ear as he stands. "and the love I intended to give to your body."
      Don't think. Focus on Izuku. You've longed to have him like this. You love him. You- "A-Aaaah!~" I moan out as Izuku starts to finger my pussy.
     "I told you not to worry. Be here and I'll take everything away." Izuku states before tilting my head with his free hand to kiss me. "Now watch how amazing you look like this."
      Gods, I looked hot. The way he was using my body. One hand teasing my pebbled nipple and the other fingering my pussy deeply.
     "Gods, fuck. Izuku!~" I moan as he speeds up his pace as my arms shake as I try to hold myself away from the mirror.
     "What do you ask, Bunny?"
     "Daddy," I breathe out as I looking to him pleading. "Please fill me with your cock."
     A flustered look meets his face before he kisses me deeply. "Anything for you." He whisper as he kisses the shell of my ear before in another flash his sweats are off and on the floor across from us. He gently kisses my shoulder before I feel his cock at my back as he pulls me flush against him. "Look at you here." Izuku says gently as he holds my face as I watch him in the mirror. "You're so strong. So perfect. You're gorgeous. And you're wonderful. You can do so much." He says before kissing my lips.
     "Izuku, you're wonderful. In so many ways. You and Katsuki." I reply before he smiles and grips the back of my neck.
     "What do I get if I can make you come in two minutes?" He questions as he snakes his arm around my hip to lazily stroke my clit.
     "I've never met anyone who can do that." I state before giving a surprised yelp as he quickly bends me over I brace myself against the mirror.
     "Well when I do," Izuku grins. "Do I get a reward?~" He states, making me match it.
     "If you do, I'll wear a playboy bunny costume around the house for a day." I entertain him with a smile. "But if you don't, you have to wear one around your agency for a day."
     His eyes flash with excitement before it settles to lust. "Challenge accepted, my Bunny." He says with a smile before giving me a gentle kiss. "Before I do, are you sure you want this?"
     I've wanted you both so much.    
     But I wish things were how they once were.
     Stop thinking, (Y/n).
     "Yes. I want you Izuku." I say before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
     He moans into the kiss before easing his large cock into my pussy. We both moan in pure ecstasy at the pleasure before he starts to thrust his hips slightly.
      I pull back slightly with a testing smile. "This is what I was supposed to be worried about?" I tease as I stick my tongue out at him.
      Izuku gives a dark chuckle before my hands are forced to hold the mirror as he moves in another flash of green. "I'd brace yourself then, Bunny."
      "Oh please, like you're going to-A-AAHHH!~" I moan out as I lose track of all thought as I try to keep myself proped up as Izuku uses his quirk to aid himself. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!~" I curse as my breath comes out quick as I feel the knot in my stomach starting to form already as Izuku grips my hips harshly.
      "That's right. My pathetic little whore. You moan so good when this cock is getting you so close to coming." Izuku says as he admires me. "You look so sexy and perfect with your ass bouncing with each thrust. And don't even get my started on those perfect tits of yours." Izuku remarks, making me whimper as I try to reply.
     "Iz-Aah!~" I moan as I try to keep my focus as I watch what he's doing to me in the mirror. "P-please." I plead before he smiles.
     "Anything for you." Izuku, who's heavily flushed himself, states before somehow seeming to go faster. A moan escapes him too before the knot in my stomach snaps.
      "DADDY!~" I moan as my legs shake harshly as Izuku holds me up by the hips before pulling out.
     Hot cum cover my thighs as he fists his cock with his eyes closed. "(Y/n), please." Izuku moans before his soft hair touches my back as we both catch our breath.
     That was amazing. I think fuzzily as I tiredly look to him. "Izuku, are you okay?"
     "Yes. Are you?"
     I can't help my small laugh of disbelief. "That was amazing." I say before gently pulling him in for a kiss.
     "When I said to take a bite yourself," Katsuki, in his hero costume, remarks from the door with a grin. "I didn't think you'd make our girl a mess, Izuku?" He claims, making me flush.
     "Hi, Katsuki. How was work?" Izuku asks with a smile as he carefully stands and pulls me into his chest, catching me when I stumble.
    "Better coming back to a show." Katsuki remarks as he looks us over. "But, as amazing as it was to watch, I believe we all could do for a nice shower before dinner tonight."
     Oh. Right. It's their date night. How did I forget? I think before putting on a smile. "Yeah, you two are going to have a good night. It's a gorgeous reservation." I state with a smile before catching the glance the two share.
     "About that-"
     "We'd like you to come too, Princess." Katsuki claims as he comes over and pick up both Izuku and I. "It'll be a nice touch."
     Me come too?
     I've never done that before.
     Could they be wanting me to get closer to them?
     "We know you, (Y/n). We do. We always have. We love you." Ren's words play in my mind at the thought before I shake it away as I notice we're in the bathroom and not the workoht room anymore.
     It's for their relationship...Yeah. I think before meeting Katsuki's observant gaze.
     "Well, Princess?"
    "Of course. I get to see your progress and how far you've come." I say with a smile, trying to hide my hurt. "Then I can see if you two are better now and I can go back to my place." I state, each word hurting my heart.
     "Let's get our shower. It'll be a nice one!" Izuku exclaims (as I try to convince my mind I didn't hear the hurt in his voice) happily.
     "Come on, my loves, let's clean you up." Katsuki states with a smile as he starts up the shower.
      I'm a fool. How could I fall in love like this? I'm only going to hurt them both. I think with a silent sigh before joining the two men in the shower.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now