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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Ren!" I call as I rummage through my makeup bag. "REN!" I shout before giving a curse.
     "Princess! What is-"
     "I need pink eyeshadow! I don't have pink on my pallette!" I wail as I gesture to my pink lingerie I've adorned for my last hour of work.
      "Here," Ren says before pulling me into a hug and then giving me their make-up pallette.
     I freeze before taking a breath. "Thanks." I say with a gentle smile before sitting back at my mirror.
     "Babe, can you tell me what's going on lately? You're acting off tonight, and you haven't texted us in a hot minute." Ren asks as they watch me.
     "It's...complicated, Ren." I state with a shake of my head. "I'd rather talk to both you and Tashio when we get off in an hour." I add when they tried to fuss.
     Ren gives a pout before nodding. "Fineeeee. But that doesn't mean I'm totally okay with it."
     I can't help my smile. "I could make it up to you?~" I suggest with a wink, making the enby flush.
     "Don't threaten me with a good time, Tashio and I will gladly take it."
     "Flirt." I reply simply with a small laugh before finishing my look.
     "You sure you're okay?" Ren asks worriedly as they look me over. "They're not hurting you, are they?"
     "No! No, they've not laid a hand on me." I say before sighing. "I'm just trying to figure a lot of stuff out right now. I really want to talk to you guys about this." I explain before we head to the curtain. I take a deep breath as Hozier's: Take Me To Church begins to play.
     Just one more hour. I think before heading to the pole and starting to dance for the large crowd before me.
     Thankfully, time passes quickly as my tips pile up before we get to leave.
     "Is the coffee shop up here good?" Tashio asks with a smile, worry hidden behind his eyes.
     "Definitely. I need some." I say with a laugh before we enter in giving a wave towards the owner who always works night shift alone.
     After getting our orders situated and getting them, we sit. A calm silence drifts between us before Ren speaks.
     "What the fuck is going on?"
     "Ren, gods fuck it." Tashio groans as he rubs his temples. "They mean what's going on lately?" Tashio clarifies before meeting my gaze. "You've not been talking to us as much, which is fine, you have your own life. But when we finally see you again you seem really stressed the fuck out."
     I look down in my mug before glancing up to them then back to my cup. "They love me."
     "No, they want your body."
     "Ren, shut up and let her speak." Tashio hisses before giving me a worried look. "How do you know?"
     "They keep calling me their girl, they make sure I'm happy, and the way they look at me with so much care and hope and affection. They want to be with me a lot." I explain before taking a drink to fill the silence as the pair thinks.
     "We kill them?"
     "No, Ren. Honey, you barely have known these two for a month?" Tashio states, making me nod. "How could they know they're in love with you? I'm not trying to be rude but you know what I mean. We treat you the same way."
     "No, no, you're not wrong." I say with a shake of my head. "I just-" I pause as I try to find my words.
     "You're in love with them too." Ren states with a bored look as they eye their coffee. "Aren't you?" They question when meeting my gaze, a slight hostility in them.
     My heart breaks at their tone. "Yes." I say, a coolness meeting my cheek and making me realize I've shed a tear before I quickly wipe it away. "I don't know what to do. My brother hates them, you two as well, and they both treat me like I'm supposed to be there. Like, I'm actually worth something besides fixing their relationship." I say before shaking me head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't get you two in this mess-"
     "Sit." Tashio demands before he takes a drink.
     I give a sigh before doing as he says and getting back in my seat.
     "Were we never good enough?"
     "Ren!" Tashio hisses as he looks to his partner.
     "No, Tashio. I want to know." Ren snaps slightly before looking at me, hurt clear in their eyes. "Were we just never good enough to love? Through high school and up until now?" They question with tears pricking their grey eyes. "Were we not worth it? We've been with you through everything!"
     "That's not it!"
     "Then what is it, (Y/n)? It sure as hell isn't time. It isn't how much our relationship is because you were already basically another partner to us! It sure as hell isn't your brother because he's told us that he has our blessing if it ever came to! It sure as hell isn't work or Jack because neither of those have ever got in the way of the three of us! And it sure as hell not us knowing you like the back of our hands!" Ren snarls as they look at me, tears streaming down their face. "What. Is. It?"
      "Because you fucking act like one with them. They'll treat you that way." Ren claims as they settle me with a glare as well. "They don't know you, (Y/n). We do. We always have. We love you."
      "Settle down, you two!" Tashio hisses before we both sit down. "You two are acting ridiculous, get a grip. Look, (Y/n)," Tashio sighs. "Just...be careful. We couldn't bear it if you got hurt. Especially by them." The black haired man says before taking a drink. "Tell Ukyuu we said hi. I'm taking them home to cool off."
      "I don't need to cool off! She needs to realize-" Ren gripes before huffing as Tashio settles them with a glare. "Whatever." They fuss as they finish their drink quickly.
      "Be safe, I love you both." I say with a smile to the both before they leave the cafe, leaving me alone to my thoughts. Gods damnit. I think with a sigh. What am I supposed to do?

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now